Combinación Clave

Fernando Paulsen junto a un panel de expertos presentan todos los días un programa de opinión, información y debate. Se analiza la contingencia nacional e internacional con una...

Claudio Pardo Libros

Welcome to the Claudio Pardo Libros podcast, where amazing things happen.

Pensar Es Clave

Federico Sanchez te invita a reflexionar sobre las vueltas que da la vida. Un espacio diferente y creativo para descubrir diferentes personajes.

Jean Claude


Robot Jean-michel

Cest lhistoire dune amitié du futur entre un homme et son robot domestique. Le robot assiste lhomme et questionne le comportement de cet animal étrange. Et lhomme, devant cette...

Jean Michel Biscuit

Jean Michel Biscuit is a podcast interviewing artists about food. Rather than asking about their newest work, or reverently discussing the greats in the art world, we talk about...

Van Damme It's Jean Claude

Paul Shroyer reviews everything that is Jean Claude Van Damme. From his movies to his splits, it's a Van Damme good time. Par Jean-claude Gigon

Dans le cadre cosy de, Jean-Claude Gigon vous fait découvrir l'univers de ses invités.

Claude & Claire

Claude and Claire is siblings Warren Van and Sandra Santos. We envision every individual to be determined, independent, passionate, sophisticated and fruitful in life. Each...

"alternativas" À Prisão: Michel Foucault: Um Encontro Com Jean-paul Brodeur

Em uma conferência dada em Montreal logo após a publicação de Vigiar e punir, Michel Foucault responde a uma pergunta que lhe foi feita: Existem "alternativas" para a prisão?...

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