Henry Thoreau: Vida E Pensamento

A Coleção Vida e Pensamento apresenta a a vida e o legado de grandes pensadores que, através dos séculos, serão lembrados pela inteligência, sabedoria e alcance de seus...

Walking by THOREAU, Henry David

This was originally a lecture given by Thoreau in 1851 at the Concord lyceum titled The Wild . He revised it before his death and it was included as part of the June 1862 edition...

Walden By Henry David Thoreau

Two years, two months and two days! This is what forms the time line of one man's quest for the simple life and a unique social experiment in complete self reliance and...

Essays Of Henry David Thoreau - Walking

Thoreau challenges us will understand that man is part of nature, man being one of the most important aspects of its manifestation. Walking was originally submitted in one of his...

Entre Botânicas Decoloniais – As Frutas Silvestres De Henry David Thoreau E Frutas Brasileiras

Entre botânicas decoloniais: as frutas silvestres de Henry David Thoreau e frutas brasileiras reúne três traduções inéditas de textos botânicos de Thoreau, um...

A Desobediência Civil - Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau (Concord, 12 de julho de 1817 — Concord, 6 de maio de 1862) foi um autor americano, poeta, naturalista, pesquisador, historiador, filósofo e...

On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience By Henry David Thoreau

Civil Disobedience (Resistance to Civil Government) is an essay by American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau that was first published in 1849. In it, Thoreau argues that...


HenryI want to be a star

Cousin Henry

Indefer Jones is the aged squire, between seventy and eighty years of age, of a large manor, Llanfeare, in Carmarthen, Wales. His niece, Isabel Brodrick, has lived with him for...

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