The Travelling Companion

When his father died, young Johannes did not know what to do. He was now all alone in the world and he was inconsolable. With his inheritance, he decided to explore the world and...

The Snow Man

The snowman had just been born under the eyes and joyful laughter of children. How he loved the cold! His only problem was the shiny ball in the sky that keep looking at him,...

The Happy Family

Next to a long-abandoned castle, grows a jungle of burdock. Under the great green leaves live two old snails, descended from a long lineage, whose ancestors were served on silver...

The Swineherd

A poor prince with a famous name became infatuated with a princess who was rather spoilt and wanted to marry her. So, he sent her gifts, but the princess was not satisfied and...

The Wicked Prince

Once upon a time there was a prince without pity: he wanted to be the strongest and sent armies of soldiers to destroy villages and stop other kings, he even got it into his head...

The Nightingale

A long time ago, the Emperor of China lived in a magnificent palace made of fine china and surrounded by a splendid garden that was so big that even the gardener did not know it...

The Flying Trunk

On the death of his father, who was a rich merchant, the son inherited a vast fortune, which he quickly spent. He found himself alone with nothing except the dressing gown on his...

The Naughty Boy

One stormy evening, a kind old poet was resting quietly at home when he heard a knock at his door. When he opened it, he found a handsome young boy, soaking wet, and the good poet...

The Old Street Lamp

An old street lamp is at the end of its working life. It has had a long life and lots of people know it. So, friends come to visit on its last night on the job.

The Silver Shilling

Once upon a time there was an honest piece of silver who passed from hand to hand and happily discovered his country. One day, his current owner travelled abroad, taking the piece...

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