Each Vital Minds episode will feature a conversation between host James Millward, an early career PA, and a guest expert on a topic of relevance to the PA and healthcare provider...
http://vitalcoaching.com - Your unique strategies for fitness, diets, vitality and total wellness - Topic suggestions for future podcasts? Email me your questions at...
Vital Presence is for people who are shaping the stories that are shaping the world. Join Vital Presence with Sally Fox, Ph.D., veteran coach, consultant and writer, as she takes...
http://vitalcoaching.com - Winning strategies for money and prosperity - Topic suggestions for future podcasts? Email me your questions at vitalcoaching@gmail.com
http://vitalcoaching.com - vitalcoaching@gmail.com - Essential techniques to help you connect with Babaji Nagaraj - Includes sanskrit calligraphies, focus techniques, energy...
Life science is complicated, but its mission is simple – to create a safer, healthier future. This podcast tells the stories behind the science from the perspective of patients,...
Pedagogia é arte. Em todas as gerações há seres avisados, que não se deixam corroer pelos ácidos de tempos sombrios, seres que arejam instituições, abrindo janelas por...
These teachings are recorded at VITAL Church located in Columbus, Ga. from Pastor Fabian McCune.www.vitalchurchcolumbus.com
Gesund, Vital & Glücklich ist Dein Podcast für Gesundheit, Glück und Lebensfreude.Für alle, die mehr vom Leben wollen!Wissenswertes und Unterhaltsames zu Medizin,...