Simpy Dina

I'm a straight shooter who tells it like it is! Rock with me while I fill your ears with everyday topics from my thoughts on Celeb news to Everyday life Convos! Talk to...

Dina Vessi

Hello and thank you for joining me on my show-page here on BlogTalkRadio. My basic interest is spirituality and metaphysics. I interview people on my show that in my opinion...

Jeffery Nkrumah

Welcome to Jeffery Nkrumah, where amazing things happen.

Dina & Gregg Show

The Dina & Gregg Show with comedian Dina Nina Martinez and speaker Gregg Potter is back from a hiatus. Covering pop culture, politics, and whatever shenanigans pop into their...

Chad Jeffers

Musician, Writer, Entrepreneur

Mr Jeffers

Welcome to The Mr Jeffers Podcast Channel, where he shares knowledge, insights and advice on Business, Wealth and Everyday Life.

Prazer Total

O milionário Parker Garrison, principal executivo e herdeiro da Rede Garrison de Hotéis, tinha o telefone das mulheres mais quentes de Miami. Porém, ao ser obrigado a escolher...

Amor Em Segredo

Julia era uma princesa da sociedade de sangue azul de Nova York que estava muito encrencada: após uma tórrida noite de amor com um homem que virara seu mundo de cabeça para...

Ecletismo E Museus Nacionais : Europa Recriada Nas Américas

Mescla o livro fontes históricas e pesquisa etnográfica na iconografia de museus oficiais (Museu Real, hoje Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/IPHAN e...

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