Devid Venara - Il Podcast -

Spiritualità, crescita personale e lavoro interiore. Devid Venara è lautore di Expanda, il blog di crescita spirituale pratica che ti accompagna alla scoperta del tuo vero Sé.

Pensamiento Efectivo - Carlos Devis

Todo el poder de las herramientas de manejo de pensamientos y emociones, en este programa de podcasts de Carlos Devis.


A weekly podcast about the world of programming and all things related to developer education within the various communities of web development. All levels from beginner to...


Welcome to the Demid podcast, where amazing things happen.

Devir Cachorra

Neste livro, Itziar Ziga traz um ativismo incendiário e alegre, sem pátria ou Deus, e aborda de maneira singular e desde sua própria experiência temáticas como a...

Devils Dance

The Devil’s Dance transcends categories. It is an exciting, original story, full of menace and very moving. The story is told in turn by two teenagers, Jake and Samuel. It...

My Devil

As pessoas creem em seres superiores, Deus, Jesus, Jeová, Maomé, Zeus. Acreditam no bem e no mau, na teoria da criação divina, para ela isso era apenas crenças pelas quais as...

Apache Devil

Black Bear, kidnapped by the Apaches from his white pioneer family as an infant and raised by Geronimo, is now a brave and accomplished Apache War Chief. But after losing his love...

The Devil

The Devil is a short story by Lev Tolstoj. It was written in 1889, given an alternative ending in 1909,but published only posthumously in 1911. Like Tolstoy's The Kreutzer...

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