The Young Visiters is a comic romance novella that parodies upper class society of late Victorian England. Social climber Alfred Salteena introduces his young lady friend Ethel to...
Ashford Wright's Podcast
This podcast is about the journey of new Whovians tackling the journey of the 4th Doctor's run, which lasted for seven years.
Real Talk, Tea, and Testimonies From A Young Black Millennial Woman #CollegeGirl #BlackGirlMagic #YoungFeminist #Relationships #Sex #Love #Life
Chasing Daisy
Escape to the summer and feel the warmth of Sunday Times bestseller Paige Toon's storytelling. Daisy has been dumped, unceremoniously jilted. Not by any ordinary guy,...
Daisy Miller
Daisy Miller, scritto nel 1878, è considerato uno dei capolavori dello scrittore americano Henry James. Ritratto intenso di una giovane americana che, nella buona società...