Fabia Claudia E Claudia Fabia - Fumetto E Racconto

Piccole vicende di vita quotidiana (e non) in un accampamento romano, raccontate attraverso gli occhi di un vero cives. Sotto la guida di un abile e ambizioso proconsole destinato...

Jeremiah Connor

Create and manifest with your mind & universe!

Connor Day

Welcome to Connor Day, where amazing things happen.

Fabia Claudia Et Claudia Fabia - Bande Dessinée

Petites histoires de vie quotidienne (et pas seulement) dans un campement romain, racontées à travers les yeux d'un véritable cives. Sous le commandement...

Autofahren Mit Claudia

Unterhaltsames aus dem Cockpit! Ich erzähle euch von meinen Gedankengängen auf den vielen Kilometern der Schweizer Strassen.Dabei lernt ihr neue Ortschaften in welschen Kantonen...

Claudia Reid Talks

Claudia Reid Talks Tea and deep thoughts

Connor Presbyterian Church

To see unbelieving people become the lifelong followers of Jesus Christ

Fabia Claudia And Claudia Fabia - Comic And Short Novel

Unremarkable events of daily life (and not only) in a Roman camp, related through a real cives point of view. Guided by a skilled and ambitious proconsul bound to write History,...

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