Balance & Evolve

Welcome to the Balance & Evolve podcast, where amazing things happen.

Marvelous Balance

Exploring and learning how to become balanced in health as a whole. Exploring myths and facing struggles presented when seeking a state of well being as happiness. Join me on the...

Balance Your Life, Balance the Scale

“Balance is…one of the essential ingredients to a happy, healthy life. Jennifer Tuma-Young’s book simplifies the balance conundrum that so many of us are in, and...

St. Catherine Of Siena

Catherine of Siena (25 March 1347 – 29 April 1380), a laywoman associated with the Dominican Order, was a mystic, activist, and author who had a great influence on Italian...

Les Rencontres De Catherine Schwaab

Une émission préparée et animée par Catherine Schwaab, dans laquelle elle recoit diverses personnalités, tous les 2ème dimanche du mois.

Transformación, Balance Y Movimiento

Meditaciones guiadas narradas por Trinidad Zuluaga, Psicóloga Máster en Psicología integrativa. Especialista en tratamiento de trauma por medio de terapia somática y...

Catherine Swatridge Hypnotherapy Podcast

Interviews with fascinating people in the field of holistic health and personal development.

Balance Is Key

I could almost guarantee that if you have taken any kind of health class, whether it had been voluntary or forced from your senior high school, you've learned about a balanced...

Balance Du Jour

A wannabe storytellers wellness journey to become a certified yoga teacher. Namaste?!

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