Critical Approaches To Bernard Shaw

These online audio resources consist of lectures and interviews on Bernard Shaw by renowned Shaw scholars. The plays covered include Pygmalion, Heartbreak House, Major Barbara,...

Breaking Par With Bernard Sheridan

Breaking Par Golf Instruction Podcast with Bernard Sheridan Certified Impact Zone Advanced Instructor.Take a lesson with Bernard in Naples or online. call 215-518-0435

Analyse Asia With Bernard Leong

Dissecting the pulse of business, technology & media in Asia

Short Stories, Spoken... With Jesse Goldberg-strassler

Strange, funny and witty original short fiction written and read by author/broadcaster Jesse Goldberg-Strassler.

Scary Stories By Peter Bernard

A Podcast That Tells You Scary Stories

Ccbb: Dr. Bernard Beitman, Md

BERNARD BEITMAN, MD is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to systematize the study of coincidences. He developed the first valid scale to measure coincidence sensitivity, and...

Misalliance by SHAW, George Bernard

Misalliance, a 1910 play by George Bernard Shaw, is an ironic examination of the romantic entanglements of a varied group of people gathered at a wealthy mans country home on a...

Seth Rogen And Evan Goldberg: Meet The Filmmakers

Join Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg in conversation about "This Is the End," the new film they wrote and directed together. Rogen’s directorial debut, the apocalyptic comedy...

Promoking Avec Marco Bernard De Productions Extrême

Promoking est un podcast qui sadresse aux entrepreneurs désireux de mieux promouvoir leur entreprise. Il livre des informations sur le domaine de la publicité par lobjet, les...

Major Barbara by SHAW, George Bernard

George Bernard Shaws Major Barbara focuses on the family of aristocratic Lady Britomart Undershaft and her estranged husband Andrew, a millionaire armaments manufacturer. Their...

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