Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church



Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church is a body of believers, called by the Holy Spirit, transformed by the Gospel to enjoy and glorify God as we proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.


  • The Beginning of the Good News of the Messiah


    The Gospel of Matthew from antiquity has been listed first amongst the four Gospels. Why is this? What unique perspective and contribution does Matthew make to our understanding of Biblical truth in general and Jesus in particular? Join us as we begin our study of this important book of the Bible and seek to see the stage for further exploration!

  • Who is Like the Lord?


    God is utterly incomparable in all His attributes and ways! Yet today’s passage draws attention to one marvelous facet of His character: The Lord is a God who forgives. Join as as we explore how the conclusion to Micah’s book brings us to the very fountainhead of God’s mercy.

  • The Canaanization of the Church Pt 3


    Please join us as we receive a message from our guest speaker, Rev. Ken Thurman.

  • The Canaanization of the Church Pt 2


    Rev. Thurman continues his sermon series in Judges, explaining that these verses provide general principles by which the remaining stories in Judges are to be understood. Our response to a gracious and compassionate God is thankfulness, worship, and faithfully following His wonderful and unsearchable way, looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

  • Sola Gratia: The Ground of Our Assurance


    In today’s passage we are introduced to the “golden chain of salvation” and how this establishes the basis for our assurance in the faith. When we are beset with doubts or accusations that would derail us, or diminish our joy in our salvation, reflect on the fact that because Sola Gratia is true, then what God has both willed and accomplished for you will never fail.

  • The Heart of the Gospel


    People often ask, “what is the Gospel?” In today’s passage we are presented with a glorious summary of of what we mean when we speak of the Gospel. In these verses we learn that Sola Gratia isn’t merely an observation about our particular understanding of the Gospel, but instead is fundamentally central to the Bible’s own declarations about it. In other words, there is no true Gospel where there is not Sola Gratia. God saves… by grace alone!

  • How Sola Gratia Showcases the Extravagant Love of God


    “God loves you.” That statement is as wonderful as it is true. Yet have you ever considered that God’s love poured out to sinners testifies to the utter graciousness of God? Join us as we explore how the Reformation doctrine of Sola Gratia helps us understand the wonderful love of God!

  • What Makes Grace...Grace


    As we commence our 2022 Reformation series, it is vital that we understand the truth about ourselves if we are to be amazed with God’s grace to us. Join us as we explore what the Bible says about us, and why this important rediscovery at the time of the Reformation sets such a good stage for the Good News.

  • Hoping in God While Experiencing Hardship


    Life is full of hardship, and we are called to see it through the God-centered lens of his sovereignty over all things. In our day of hardship, what is the basis of our continued hope in God’s goodness to us? Join us as we explore what this passage says to comfort our hearts!

  • The Appeal of God to Wayward Worshippers


    Oftentimes we feel dissatisfied and disaffected towards God, and if uncorrected this leads to impiety and brazen accusations toward God, followed by rebellious actions from God. In today’s passage the Lord graciously addressed the exasperation of His people with an appeal to “remember and know” - to snap out of their stupor and to recall the Lord’s goodness and all his saving acts on their behalf. Join us as we consider what the Lord has done, and what he requires of us in response.

  • The Messianic Age


    In today’s passage the prophet provides the people with five snapshots of what life looks like during the reign of the Messiah. Believers can be confident that though we are beset by many struggles, the outcome is sure!

  • The Ruler from Bethlehem


    Kings are the the personified embodiment of the people they rule. As such, they are symbols of strength, stability, and security. Faced with a grim reality in which the satanic powers of a foreign army had ridiculed and humiliated their king, robbing the people of any sense of safety, God graciously announces the pending arrival of a King who will give his people rest on every side. Join us as we explore what this means for how we process and experience the bad days of the present.

  • Arise and Thresh!


    Using the language of warfare, we are encouraged to join in the work of the Kingdom of God as we expand Christ’s dominion here on earth. Join us as we consider how we might “arise and thresh” in our present context!

  • The Assembly of the Remnant


    God delights in subverting the wisdom of the world. One way He does this is by calling and claiming people who the world dismisses as insignificant and irrelevant. Today’s passage teaches us a number of vital truths about the sacred assembly of the remnant, God’s chosen people through whom is worked God’s sovereign salvific purposes. Join us!

  • The Mountain of the Lord


    In these verses the prophet foretells a great and glorious future. Join us as we explore what these verses mean for us in our present context and how they instill hope and a life of faithfulness in any situation.

  • The Powers Fall


    In today’s passage, the Prophet speaks against the ruling establishment for their egregious violations of God’s covenant, ultimately announcing the pending fall of their entire civilization. But what does this have to do with us? Join us as we explore Micah’s vital message to us in our present context.

  • The Hope of Heaven


    Join us as guest speaker Rev. Tim Hoke preaches from Revelation 21, discussing the hope of heaven that is ours in Christ.

  • When Preaching Advances Wickedness


    In today’s passage we learn that for the original audience, idolatry had reduced them to a brutish “might makes right” state. This was aided and abetted by unfaithful preaching of the Word that resulted in a fundamentally wrong idea of God and how they should live. Join us as we explore the impact over time of the “preaching diet” we are fed.

  • Introducing Micah: Judgment Begins at the Household of God


    As we begin our study of this so-called “minor prophet,” we learn about the context of God’s messenger, Micah, and the nature of the prophetic ministry. Join us as we uncover important considerations to bear in mind as we study the writings of the prophets today!

  • The Sovereign Seeker


    Rev. Paul Miller preaches on Luke 19:1-10.

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