Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church



Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church is a body of believers, called by the Holy Spirit, transformed by the Gospel to enjoy and glorify God as we proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.


  • Christ Our Healer


    In today’s passage we are presented with three examples of Jesus healing the sick. What each of these three examples have in common is that each of the people needing healed was a social outcast. What does this passage teach us about Christ and how does this affect our relationship to the purity code of the Old Covenant? Join us as we learn together!

  • The Cosmic Implications of Christ's Resurrection


    In today’s passage Jesus famously tells his disciples that “all authority in heaven and on earth” has been given to him. What does he mean, why was this authority given to him, and what does it mean for our lives now? Join us as we explore the cosmic implications of Christ’s resurrection!

  • Two Ways


    In today’s passage Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount with a call to choose the narrow gate rather than the broad road. God has always called for a response on the part of the people, and mere sentimental affection for Jesus, or lip service to him is sufficient: it is the doers of his word that will be rewarded in the end. Join us as we explore the words of our Lord!

  • Righteousness Reflected in the Treatment of Others


    Sandwiched between our Lord’s famous teaching about judging others and his famous utterance of the “Golden Rule” we find a section on prayer.What is the relationship of prayer to these two other topics? Join us as we explore how the godward life of prayer orients and shapes our treatment of others!

  • Ehud


    Please join us as we receive a message from our guest speaker, Rev. Ken Thurman.

  • The Surpassing Righteousness Required in the Kingdom: Loyalty and Trust


    Loyalty and Trust. These two traits are expressed by our attitudes and behaviors when multiple and competing interests are present. Join us as we consider the words of Jesus and prayerfully consider the question, “Do I trust God to be and do all that he has said he will?”

  • The Surpassing Righteousness Required in the Kingdom: Rightly Motivated Acts of Devotion


    No one likes a faker, a hypocrite who pretends to be something they’re not. In today’s passage Jesus takes on the issue of religious and devotional hypocrisy and continues his call to a higher standard of righteousness, one that is rightly motivated in its acts of devotion. Join us!

  • The Surpassing Righteousness Required in the Kingdom: A Higher Standard of Obedience


    In today’s passage we are presented with six illustrative examples of how mere conformity to the “letter of the law” enabled followers to believe they were righteous, when in fact, their hearts were nowhere near God. Jesus shows us that while the “letter of the law” is important, it is only the beginning of what God’s law requires, which is absolute perfection.

  • The Lord of the Law


    "What is the relationship with Jesus (and the New Testament) to that of the Old Testament?” This is a question that has been asked since, well, the ministry of Jesus! Join us as we hear from Jesus himself about how he and his ministry relate to the Old Testament.

  • The Blessed Ones


    The Beatitudes are the introductory remarks of the Sermon on the Mount. In these verses we learn both what true blessedness is and the kind of person who is blessed by God. Join us as we explore these important words to gain a better understanding of what our Lord would have us be!

  • A Sermon About the Sermon


    In today’s message Pastor Ben provides a very high level look at the famous Sermon on the Mount. Join us as we explore the key point of the Sermon on the Mount and how it fits into the larger point Matthew is making in his Gospel account of Jesus.

  • The Cycles of the Judges - Othniel


    Please join us as we receive a message from our guest speaker, Rev. Ken Thurman.

  • The First Words of the Gospel


    In relatively succinct manner, Matthew describes the spread of Jesus’s popularity. Amid the clamor of rising fame, the message of Jesus begins with a simple summons. A message that must be received and obeyed by each person. Join us as we unpack the significance of the first words of the good news of the Kingdom.

  • Lessons from the Temptation of Jesus


    The account of the temptation of Jesus has mystified and puzzled Christians for centuries: If Jesus was truly God, how could he be tempted to sin? Beyond that query, Christians have struggled to understand the significance of this account and its purpose in Scripture. Join us as we unpack this important passage and better understand Jesus, ourselves, and the nature of spiritual warfare!

  • The Baptism of Jesus


    The baptism of Jesus is of such significance that the event is recorded in all four Gospels. But why? What about this event is of such consequence for us? Join us as we explore and unpack the significance and implications of the baptism of our Lord.

  • The Ministry of John the Baptist


    As the final prophet of the Old Covenant, John occupies the unique place of serving at the close of one age and the dawning of another. Join us as we unpack the thrust of his message and ministry and why it was important preparatory work for the ministry of Jesus.

  • The Nativity Sermon of St. John Chrysostom


    The oldest Christmas sermon left to us from antiquity dates to AD 386, preached by John Chrysostom in his first year of ordained ministry as the pastor of the church in Antioch. Join us as we, with this ancient Doctor of the Church, marvel at the incarnation!

  • To Egypt and Back


    Christians confess that Jesus is “truly God and truly man,” but what does that mean for how we understand his experience as a toddler? Join us as we explore how and why the early years of Jesus help us to walk in faith.

  • The Visit of the Magi


    In today’s passage we read of the famous account of the “Three Wise Men” who visited Jesus as a baby. Yet this passage is actually presenting us with multiple responses to the person of Jesus spanning the spectrum from hostility to joy. Join us as we explore how this passage calls us to consider our own response to Jesus!

  • The Virgin Birth


    Today’s passage teaches what is a cardinal doctrine of our faith - that Jesus was conceived in the womb of a true virgin. But beyond the supernatural nature of the conception of Jesus, the practical ramifications of a young betrothed woman becoming pregnant weighed heavily on the mind of her betrothed husband. Join us as we explore what this passage means for us!

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