Elliot Roe's A-game Advantage



Those who live a high-performance life have figured out how to consistently bring their best...Their A-Game...To the most important areas of life. On The A-Game Advantage Podcast youll get to peek inside the mind of the worlds highest performing individuals so you can learn and model the mindsets and systems that allow them to bring their A-Game everyday.


  • 057 - David Shurna - Defying All Odds

    08/12/2020 Duración: 33min

    It doesn’t matter where you come from, what your family is like, nor the circumstances you find yourself in today—you are absolutely capable of climbing your personal mountains. In this episode of the Primed Mind Podcast, David Shurna of No Barriers shares how you can break through and find purpose and strength, no matter what you’ve been through. No Barriers is a nonprofit organization which empowers people to redefine life after adversity and trauma through a combination of a six-month online course and challenging outdoor expeditions, like kayaking the Grand Canyon or climbing the tallest mountain peaks. Through their work at No Barriers, David and his team given new hope to disabled veterans, who defy all odds and rediscover purpose, community, and vision for their lives. They also empower others who have been through traumatic events, and they equip teens and their teachers to handle the challenges life brings. Struggle and hardship are universal in the human experience—how do you respond to it? Do you a

  • 056 - Matthew Barnes - Taking Leaps in Life

    01/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    You’ve probably seen the flashy clips of stuntmen doing crazy jumps, but maybe you’ve never heard of the martial arts side of parkour. It’s not just about showing off… In fact, parkour is incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally. It tests your knowledge of self. It builds confidence. And it teaches you to trust in your abilities. In this episode, long-time parkour trainer Matthew Barnes talks about developing his mental fortitude through parkour, bringing these mindset skills to business, and taking big entrepreneurial leaps. Not only has Matt challenged himself with backflips and running jumps, but he’s also built LAEF (Local Agriculture Expansion Foundation) with his wife to connect small farms with local consumers and cut down on their costs for marketing and payment processing. How do you know when to take risks? Matt says it’s all about dancing on the edge of your mental limits while staying well within your physical ones. Listen to this episode to learn more! Click here to get the full show

  • 055 - Mollie McGlocklin - Sleep Is A Skill

    24/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    Do you struggle with sleep? You won’t want to miss this episode of the Primed Mind Podcast. When it comes to high performance, quality sleep is perhaps the most crucial component to your day-to-day success. Everyone knows that not getting enough of it drains your cognitive functions, your energy levels, and your health… But knowing facts isn’t enough! Due to lifestyle habits of modern living, many people find quality sleep to be elusive. What’s the secret to a good night’s rest? Well, there are a lot of ingredients that go into making a solid sleep schedule… And the good news is that sleep is a skill you can learn! Our guest for this episode is Mollie McGlocklin, founder of Sleep Is A Skill, a company that teaches people how to get to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up ready for high performance, using a combination of behavioral changes, accountability, and technology. You, too, can learn how to get a good night’s sleep! Inside this episode, Mollie shares some practical tips and tools you can start using today

  • 054 - Lars Callieou - High-Performance Insights From Stand-Up Comedians

    18/11/2020 Duración: 33min

    Start Your Free 7-Day Trial Of Primed Mind Plus Alone on a stage with a mic in hand, all eyes on you—how do you perform? Lars Callieou, a 17-year veteran stand-up comedian who has been featured on stages in 25 different countries, has a lot of insights to share about being a high-performer.  In this episode, he reveals how he handles the pressure to perform, dealing with hecklers, and learning the most valuable insights from his worst performances. Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 053 - John Assaraf - Unlock Your Brain For Success

    10/11/2020 Duración: 31min

    Click Here To Enroll In John Assaraf's Free Brain-A-Thon Live This Saturday, November 14th It’s easy to set a goal… But what does it take to make it reality? Most people struggle to get out of the wishing and wanting stage—what’s holding them back? See, goal setting and action taking happen in two completely different parts of the brain… To bring them together, working in harmony towards your goals, you’ve got to upgrade the operating system that runs your biocomputer. And the key is in your subconscious habits. The good news is you can reprogram your operating system through awareness, intention, and action! In this episode, bestselling author John Assaraf shares strategies for making your dreams your reality. Not only is John an expert on self-development, but he brings together world-renowned researchers for the annual Brain-A-Thon event to share the latest in tools, techniques, and conversations in neuroscience and neuropsychology. Listen to this episode to learn more! Click here to get the full show not

  • 052 - Fedor Holz - Do What You Love

    03/11/2020 Duración: 37min

    Fedor Holz may have retired from playing poker full time, but that doesn’t mean he’s been sitting on his hands… Over one weekend this past summer, Fedor scored over $2 million in online tournament wins, and he’s been exploring his other passions in life, like coaching clients and building businesses. In fact, Fedor is the cofounder for Primed Mind, and we’ve got some exciting content in the works for the Primed Mind community! In this episode, Fedor talks about doing what you love, how it can evolve and shift over time, and what it means to journey down the path of least friction… Where do you feel the most flow in your life? Follow that to find fulfillment. Listen to this episode to learn more! Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode.  

  • 051 - Mike Brown - The Exit Mindset

    27/10/2020 Duración: 39min

    From piloting fighter jets in the highest level of the Navy to exiting the multimillion-dollar oil and gas company he built, Mike Brown shines as a high achiever. But after ticking all the boxes of accomplishment and still feeling empty inside, he realized he needed to give more meaning to his life than wins… In this episode, Mike reflects on his journey to find significance in self-acceptance, self-love, and fulfilling relationships with the people that matter to him most. He shares how he applied his military training to business decisions and created wealth for himself and his family, along with some tips for exiting your company at the right time. These days? Well, Mike is slowing it down and enjoying the ride. He is growing as a father. He’s taking the time to do the things he loves doing. He doesn’t know what his ‘next big thing’ will be… But he’s OK with that, too. Listen to this episode to hear Mike’s story. Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 050 - Katie Wells - Future-Minded Homeschooling

    20/10/2020 Duración: 37min

    What does it take to raise kids for a rapidly changing future world? Katie Wells, founder of Wellness Mama, joins me in this episode to talk about building her kids’ education from the ground up. The sad reality is that the public school system hasn’t changed much in the last hundred years—so is it really prepping our children for a successful future? Forget test taking. Ditch the grading system. Finish all schoolwork in the morning and let them be free to play creatively all afternoon. These are some of Katie’s fresh ideas on raising her six children into capable, confident, and entrepreneurial adults. In this episode, Katie shares her framework for homeschooling her kids, how to encourage critical thinking and creative skills, cheap ways to keep your kids healthy, and managing your family like a business. Catch this episode to hear the conversation! Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 049 - Tim Kelley - Discovering Your True Purpose

    06/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    After finding himself feeling empty after climbing the ranks at Oracle, Tim realized there’s more to life than profits. My guest today is Tim Kelley, author of True Purpose. He consults and speaks all around the world to executives and business leaders about creating meaning and a mission. He helps profit-based companies to transform into profitable purpose-based ones. And what’s the result? Usually, it means more employee engagement, more aligned employee retention, and more profits. Does your business have a purpose? Listen to this episode to learn more. Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 048 - Maria Konnikova - The Biggest Bluff

    18/08/2020 Duración: 28min

    When she started research for her book on luck and control, Maria Konnikova had no idea of the surprising path this project would take her on… She studied psychology at Harvard and got her PhD from Columbia University – who would have guessed that she would turn poker professional? Certainly not her grandmother! What started off as a psychology book project turned into winning the internationally televised PokerStars Caribbean Adventure tournament and a Team Pro deal from PokerStars and eight months of full-time tournament play… Maria went from having zero experience or interest in poker to becoming a professional in an impressively short amount of time. It takes commitment, self-awareness, and simply putting in the hours to achieve proficiency (and mastery) in anything you want to accomplish. Listen to this episode to hear Maria’s incredible success story… Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 047 - Nathan Hirsch - Creating Time for High-Performance

    12/08/2020 Duración: 29min

    To maintain high performance while growing your business to the next level, you’ve got to outsource some of the work. That way, you can focus your time on doing what you do best. Our guest for this episode is Nathan Hirsch – he knows all about effective delegation. In fact, he created his company Outsource School to share everything he knows about it. But before that, Nathan founded, grew, and eventually sold FreeUp, a virtual assistant platform. His career began in the early days of Amazon, selling college textbooks. After some time, he found he couldn’t do it all himself – and he made more than a few hiring mistakes… Can you relate? Time management is vitally important for the high-performing person. Listen to the episode to learn about creating systems for workload delegation and outsourcing, costly hiring mistakes to avoid, and how to keep drama from overtaking your workforce. Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 046 - Nicholas Spohn - 4 Steps To Performance On Demand

    21/07/2020 Duración: 29min

    What if you could snap your fingers and generate a state of gratitude, energy, and confidence? Well, that’s exactly what this week’s A-Game Advantage guest, Nicholas Spohn, teaches his clients to do. Nicholas is a hypnotherapist and performance coach who specializes in using body language to create specific emotional states allowing you to access peak performance on demand. In this episode, Nicholas shares his four steps to creating powerful body language patterns, and how you can start implementing them in your own life today. Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode

  • 045 - Bob Dalton - Creating a Mission Driven Company

    15/05/2020 Duración: 26min

    Bob Dalton is the founder and CEO of Sackcloth & Ashes, a mission-driven company that gives a blanket to a homeless shelter for each one purchased. He shares his motivation for wanting to become a social entrepreneur and reveals the personal story that inspired him to action. Bob and Elliot discuss the exciting road ahead for Sackcloth & Ashes, how Bob balances a busy work life with his family life, and how you can support whatever cause calls to you. Listen in to learn some valuable tips for becoming a social entrepreneur – and learn the advice Bob would give his younger self when he was just getting started. 3 Key Points As a social entrepreneur, understand who is the true hero. Trust your gut and continue to move forward. Collaborate, join a cause, and support it! Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App Bob’s Website Sackcloth & Ashes

  • 044 - Stephan Spencer - Using Uncertainty as the Key to Success

    06/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    Stephan Spencer, an author, speaker, consultant, podcast host, founder of Netconcepts, and leading expert in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is an optimization pro – in all areas of life. He shares why being experimental, comfortable with uncertainty, and willing to put yourself out there is key to success, and proves it with his own story. Stephan explores the value of SEO and he explains why he sees it as the “operating system of the internet”. Listen in to learn what SEO can do for you and your business, what to watch out for, and why it’s an asset – and hear why SEO is like a chess game where you can move your opponent’s pieces, too. 3 Key Points Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Distinctions make a difference and everything is an experiment. Be comfortable with uncertainty in SEO and life. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App Stephan’s Website Marketing Speak Podcast Get Yourself Optimized Podcast A Free 15-Minute Consultation

  • 043 - Bill Schuffenhauer - From Homeless to Medalist

    14/04/2020 Duración: 29min

    Bill Schuffenhauer, a leadership, employee engagement, and personal development speaker and coach, shares how he shifted his mindset to become a 3-time Olympian and silver medalist despite an extremely challenging start. Bill now sees his journey in a positive light and explains how he shifted his mindset to push past his tragedies. Now, he helps leaders and corporate teams transform and succeed by finding their bigger “why” – and he’s never been happier. Listen in to learn why mentorship is so important and get inspired to write your story and finally live your dream. Click here to access the full show notes & extra content for this episode and to listen to all of the other episodes! 3 Key Points Your tragedies or downfalls don’t define you. You can write your own story. Be consistent. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App Bill’s Twitter Bill’s Facebook Bill’s LinkedIn Bill’s Website

  • 042 - Alexandra Stockwell - Cultivating High-Performing Relationships

    09/04/2020 Duración: 32min

    Alexandra Stockwell, a relationship and intimacy expert, knows what it takes to have a committed relationship that is deeply passionate, satisfying, and fun. She helps couples who just know their relationship could be better so they can up-level their relationship and their quality of life. Alexandra and Elliot discuss some common issues couples have and the surprising discovery she has made about conflict resolution, compromise and taking responsibility (it’s not what you’d think!). Listen in to learn an exercise that’ll get your relationship moving in the right direction – and hear some tips for communicating with your partner in a way they’ll understand. Click here to access the full show notes & extra content for this episode and to listen to all of the other episodes! 3 Key Points You can have a committed relationship that is passionate. Cultivate curiosity by asking open-ended questions. You are 100% responsible for your relationship. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App

  • 041 - Dr. Stephen Cabral - Supporting a High-Performance Immune System

    31/03/2020 Duración: 33min

    This week's guest is Dr. Stephen Cabral. Dr. Cabral is a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and founder of the Cabral Wellness Institute. An important part of being a high performer is being better prepared than your competition, and right now, all of our biggest competition is the COVID-19 virus and the impact caused by our attempts to combat it. Dr. Cabral joins us to share some proactive measures you can take to boost your immune system, giving you the best chance to stay healthy and safe. Being well prepared will go a long way in easing stress and anxiety, which, as you'll hear, can wreak havoc on your immune system. Click here to try Elliot Roe's Primed Mind app for free Click here to access the full show notes & extra content for this episode and to listen to all of the other episodes!

  • 040 - John Assaraf - Unleashing Your Brain's Potential

    03/01/2020 Duración: 32min

    Want To Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet? Join The 20 Days To A Primed 2020 Challenge John Assaraf, New York Times bestselling author, founder of NeuroGym, and leading mindset and performance expert, shares the science behind rewiring your mindset to get rid of self-sabotaging patterns. John shares about his troubled childhood and how his first mentor taught him the difference between “interested” and “committed”. He gives practical “innercises” to change your mindset and make decisions free of fear or self-limitation. Listen in to get tips from his latest book – and learn the first step towards achieving your biggest dreams and goals so you can get there faster. 3 Key Points When you truly commit, everything changes. Get out of your comfort zone in order to reprogram your brain. Interruptive patterns change neural networks. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App John’s Website John’s Instagram and Facebook page FREE Brain-A-Thon John’s Book - Innercise

  • 039 - Jamie Seamans - Using Lifes Challenges as Advantages

    11/12/2019 Duración: 26min

    In this episode, Jamie Seamans, a life-long entrepreneur and cofounder of Garage Kings, shares how to scale a business you love. Jamie opens up about his biggest challenges and how he kept hustling – even when his wife was uncertain about his vision. Jamie and Elliot discuss learning, growth and mentorship, and Jamie explains the stages of business he believes are best for each. Listen in to hear the three things Jamie thinks about daily, why it’s dangerous to connect your purpose with your job, and the number one thing every entrepreneur must know about their business. Click here to access the full show notes & extra content for this episode and to listen to all of the other episodes! 3 Key Points Get the momentum going from the beginning! Get clear on your purpose and don’t just link your purpose to your job. Life is stages of letting go. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App com - Website Garage Kings - YouTube

  • 038 - Steph & Shay - Building an A-Game Relationship

    28/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    In this episode, Steph and Shay, a power-couple that has successfully trained and coached couples for a decade, explain how to enhance and strengthen your relationship with your partner. Steph and Shay share their journey to becoming relationship coaches and vulnerably share about their own personal relationship. They give real-life examples of transformed relationships and give some tips that are sure to make a difference in the way you communicate. Listen in to learn about “love crumbs”, reestablishing rapport, and the true purpose of relationships – and get a peek at what they offer in their courses so you can perform at a higher level alongside your loved one. Click here to access the full show notes & extra content for this episode and to listen to all of the other episodes! 3 Key Points Weak communication is the #1 root issue in relationships. A strong relationship is key to high performance. The true purpose of a relationship is wholeness. Contact/Resources Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coachi

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