Elliot Roe's A-game Advantage

047 - Nathan Hirsch - Creating Time for High-Performance



To maintain high performance while growing your business to the next level, you’ve got to outsource some of the work. That way, you can focus your time on doing what you do best. Our guest for this episode is Nathan Hirsch – he knows all about effective delegation. In fact, he created his company Outsource School to share everything he knows about it. But before that, Nathan founded, grew, and eventually sold FreeUp, a virtual assistant platform. His career began in the early days of Amazon, selling college textbooks. After some time, he found he couldn’t do it all himself – and he made more than a few hiring mistakes… Can you relate? Time management is vitally important for the high-performing person. Listen to the episode to learn about creating systems for workload delegation and outsourcing, costly hiring mistakes to avoid, and how to keep drama from overtaking your workforce. Click here to get the full show notes and resources from this week's episode