Life Amplified With Dan Mason



Elvis Duran Presents: Life Amplified with Dan Mason. Dan Mason is a nationally recognized career and life transition coach, author, and keynote speaker. He has helped people in 13 countries escape their soul-sucking jobs, discover their purpose, and create a career, relationships, and life they love. The Life Amplified Podcast is about answering two questions. What is my life's purpose? And how do I overcome adversity and sabotage to make it real? Each week, Dan will interview thought leaders, celebrities, and everyday people who have done extraordinary things, while also sharing stories of his own journey to self-love and acceptance. His intention is to show you how to turn down the negativity, find your purpose, and live Life Amplified. Find out more at http://www.creativesoulcoaching.netCreative Soul Coaching (


  • Cristi Johnson: How to Beat Imposter Syndrome and Thrive in Your Purpose

    30/06/2021 Duración: 48min

    We've all been there. The moment when you're ready to demand more from life. A more purposeful career, more income, more abundance. And that little critic in the back of your head steps in and whispers "Who do you think you are to want this?" Imposter syndrome is real and it is the #1 factor that prevents people from truly creating their amplified life. However, this week on a special case study episode, Dan talks to Cristi Johnson, one of Dan's success stories! In nine months, she just had the ribbon cutting ceremony on her new personal training facility, skellaFiT in Norther Michigan. Some of the topics discussed in the episode include... How taking inspired action in the face of imposter syndrome has bred success in her line. Unapologetically owning your story and how that will magnetize the masses and find the people you are meant to serve. Letting go of control and how the art of surrender has led to some of the greatest blessings of her life. How she built a brick and mortar business while also re

  • How to Talk to Your Boss about Your Return to Work

    22/06/2021 Duración: 27min

    A study was released that said 50% of Americas are unsure they'll ever recover from the stress of living through the pandemic. We know when our body faces a threat or stress, it goes to a fight to fight response. So many people need a long vacation or even want to quit their job before they go back to the 9-5 work week. It's creating a trend call "the great resignation," where we're seeing the highest number of employees resigning in the last 20 years. If you don't have a strategy to deal with the stress and ask for your needs, you're going ot find yourself repeating the same patterns at the next destination. This episode, Dan shares a three part framework that will help you address your return to work. Also, this communication strategy can help any relationship in your life! Follow Dan on Instagram: To learn how to work with Dan one-on-one, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See omnystudio

  • Gay Hendricks: How to Live in Your Genius Zone

    14/06/2021 Duración: 54min

    If you're the 50% of the workforce that has self evaluated during the pandemic and you know that you're in a job that you're good at but is also leaving you spiritually and creatively bankrupt, this week's interview could be the first step to reinventing your life. We're going to help you move away from your mundane 9-5 and live a life that is truly lit up in the genius zone. Gay Hendricks has served for more than 40 years as one of the major contributors in the fields of relationship transformation and body/mind therapies. He's a New York Times best selling author, including the book The Big Leap. His new book is The Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End Negative Thinking and Live in True Creativity. Topics discussed include... The one question to help you fast track to discovering your own zone of genius. How to know when you've fallen off track and what you can do to bounce back. The addiction to control and how it can open the doorway to the trauma that we need to heal. The difference between or

  • Coaching Corner: Identifying your Blind Spots to Create Deeper Relationships

    08/06/2021 Duración: 26min

    What is it that keeps us from achieving our goals and what we really want in our lives? Our blind spots. This week, you get to listen in on an actual coaching session Dan did with someone in a group training. In less than 18 minutes, Dan and our guest was able to find the block and story that held her back from love and relationships with people for over 40 years. Transformation like this IS possible if you're willing to allow yourself to be open and vulnerable and let someone help you find the blind spots you don't see. Follow Dan on Instagram at To work one-on-one with Dan, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

  • Dr. Don Wood: How to Increase Performance by Healing Your Trauma

    01/06/2021 Duración: 56min

    No matter where you are in your life, there's a next level you want to get to. So often, when we can't seem to close that gap between where we're at and where we want to be, we look for some external solution to solve our problem. But the real work that will help you move forward is by going within. Unhealed unemotional trauma is not just a block to better mental health it can be a block to better high performance and even some physical health conditions. Dr. Don Wood, PhD developed the TIPP method after spending years researching how atmospheric conditions™ affect our minds and impact our lives. He went back to school later in life to get his PhD in clinical counseling and psychology, to learn how to heal his daughter’s crohn's disease and his wife’s autoimmune disease. he's going to help coach you and raise your awareness on the subtle subconscious blocks that might be keeping you from your next level. Topics discussed this week include: The unconventional life circumstances that led him to researching t

  • Five Questions to Call Yourself Out and Move Beyond a Victim Mentality

    25/05/2021 Duración: 31min

    Sometimes when we interact with people, it doesn't go the way we planned. A potential online date doesn't always respond to your messages. A friend not returning your call when you reached out and needed help. We've all had that experience of a strange flashing you a dirty look as they walk past you. These are just normal experiences in life but how do you interpret those situations? Do you take it personally and make it about you? Or do you stop and consider that maybe there's something else going on? This week on the podcast, Dan is here to help you get really clear on the difference between being victimized and operating in the victim mentality. Plus, you'll get 5 questions you can use to call yourself out so you can give up your victim mentality and thrive in your amplified life. Beyond the 9 to 5 at Follow Dan on Instagram at To learn how to work one-on-one with Dan, visit Learn more about

  • How to Stop Living on Autopilot and Take Back Your Life

    18/05/2021 Duración: 33min

    It's often been said that decisions shape our destiny. If you traced the dots back, you could probably find the one decision that might have seemed inconsequential in the moment that led to some of the greatest joys of your life. On the other side, there are probably some things that happened in your life that didn't go the way you want that all started with one decision. Every decision we make is either moving us closer to the goals that we have or it's giving us the lesson we need to learn in order to make those things happen. Every decision, even ones we think are minor, are having a profound impact on your future and on your destiny. Dan has learned that there is one decision in particular that seems to have the most profound effect on everything. This week, Dan will tell you what that decision is AND how to consciously and actively make decisions every day that lead you to where you want to go in life. Register for Beyond the 9 to 5 at Follow Dan on Inst

  • Four Steps to Move from Languishing to Flourishing

    11/05/2021 Duración: 35min

    Over the last year, Dan has shown you people he's worked that that have been flourishing during the pandemic. He's also talked a lot about how to handle the mental health challenges so many are facing right now. One thing that hasn't been discussed are people living in the messy middle: people not necessarily crushing it and not necessarily depressed.  For many, the dominant emotion over the last year has been a state of languishing. Showing up, but not living with purpose or aim. This week, Dan is here to help you move from languishing to flourishing in your life. Beyond the 9 to 5 at Follow Dan on Instagram at To learn how to work one-on-one with Dan, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

  • Archie Messersmith-Bunting: The #1 Shift to Improve Your Well-Being

    03/05/2021 Duración: 46min

    We can spend years reading the self help books. We can intellectually understand all the events of our life that have blocked us as fully and vibrantly as we want. But we stay in the place of intellectualizing. We understand, but we never embody a new way of being. This week's guest is going to get you out of your head and back into your heart. That's where you can bring change into your life. Archie Messersmith-Bunting is The Feelings Guy. He's a mental wellness coach, consultant and professional speaker. In his former life, he was a successful musical theatre performer on Broadway before addiction and clinical depression destroyed his childhood dream and led him to a place where suicide seemed like the only option. After battling back from the jaws of addiction, Archie now uses the stage to remind us that we're all more than the wreckage of our past. Some of the topics covered include: How unresolved childhood trauma and drug use led Archie to a downward spiral that cost him his dream career, but how he

  • The YOLO Economy and 5 Steps to Live Your Dreams Without Going Broke

    26/04/2021 Duración: 30min

    Why should we wait to pursue our dreams after retirement? There's such a push to work really hard right now and sacrifice the present for the future. Why not create happiness right now in the present moment? Dan believes this YOLO economy signifies the fact that as a global workforce, we've awakened to the biggest lie that corporate America has sold us: you have to obtain a certain level of financial security before you're allowed to address your own emotional needs. People are waking up in the last year. The pandemic has changed our priorities and made us realize we don't have to live like this. This week on the podcast, Dan holds a funeral for the "hustle culture" and shares five best strategies to live your dreams without going broke. Follow Dan on Instagram at To learn how to work with Dan one-on-one, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

  • How to Overcome Re-Entry Anxiety

    18/04/2021 Duración: 29min

    According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 50% of Americans are experiencing symptoms of re-entry anxiety. Yes, people are getting nervous about returning to work and life going "back to normal." Even with the vaccine rolling out, people are still feeling uncomfortable about getting out again. After reading this, Dan asked his group online what they're the most worried about. They said losing their freedom and autonomy of their schedule than they are with losing their physical health. Are you one of them? How do we return to work without returning to the overwhelm and the hustle and grind? This week, Dan does a deep dive on the #1 strategy that could change our life as we reenter the work force again. Follow Dan on Instagram: To learn how to work with Dan one-on-one or about his group coaching programs, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privac

  • 5 Tips to Navigate Your Midlife Awakening

    09/04/2021 Duración: 31min

    Recently, Dan was on The Tamron Hall show to talk about his journey. The show focused on men who are going through changes in their life. Especially those going through a midlife crisis. But really it's not a midlife crisis, but a midlife AWAKENING. It can happen at any age and to anyone! It's not just exclusive to men. Women go through it as well, but in different ways. Today, Dan shares with you his 5 tips to navigate your midlife awakening. If you feel yourself at a crossroads, this episode is for you. Follow Dan on Instagram at To learn more about Dan or to work one-on-one with him, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

  • Alan Weiss: The Metrics to Create a More Meaningful Life

    24/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    It's the curse of the high achiever. You climb the ladder of success, get everything you want and yet you can still feel yourself feeling unfulfilled. How do we create a life with lasting meaning? How do we create a legacy we can be proud of to leave? Alan Weiss, PhD is a consultant, speaker and best selling author. Described by the New York Post as one of the most highly regarded independent consultants in America. His firm, Summit Consulting Group, has attracted clients such as Merck, Hewlett-Packard, GE, Mercedes-Benz and over 500 other leading organizations. He's the author of 60 books. Topics discussed this week include: #1 factor that can undo the personal lessons that we learned during the pandemic. The metrics that determine meanings in our lives and how to create metrics that makes sense for us. The midlife crisis: What is it and how is it the catalyst that drives us to search for meaning. Why humility is overrated and can actually keep us stuck. Why parents should isolate negatives and expand pos

  • Dr. Tara Scott: Finding Resilience During a Crisis

    16/03/2021 Duración: 48min

    If living in a pandemic the last year has taught us anything, it's the importance of emotional resilience during times of crisis. This week's guest is going to give us a roadmap to create that for ourselves and some inspiration to make it happen. Dr. Tara Scott is known as The Hormone Guru. With over 25 years of experience as a doctor and three board certifications, an OBGYN, Functional Medicine and Integrative Medicine, Dr. Scott has helped thousands of patients struggling with hormonal issues. A routine small plane ride with her family in 2019 ended in tragedy. Her husband suffered a serious brain injury. Her daughter was left paralyzed from the waist down. Dr. Scott was the one left holding the pieces and having to put it all back together. Topics discussed in this episode include: How Tara cultivated resilience as a mother and able to step up to hold her family and her practice together. Stress management tools that you can use in your life. The power of community and being able to receive support whe

  • Mitchell Creasey: Unlock you Future by Learning From the Past

    03/03/2021 Duración: 42min

    The only reason you're not experiencing the full levels of success that you want in your life is generally because there's a subconscious part of you that believes having the thing you want is a threat. But it's subconscious. It's hidden to you. How do we identify and move beyond those internal blocks? How do we identify these blocks and move beyond them? This week, Dan talks to Mitchell Creasey to help you answer this problem! Mitchell Creasey is the President's Coach. Mitch is an award-winning executive coach who helps business leaders actually enjoy what they build. After seeing his father, the CFO of a publicly traded company, collapse from a work induced panic attack, Mitch vowed to use the tools his hippy mother taught him to ensure people like his father could skip the drama and go straight to the spoils. Topics discussed in this episode include: How his parent's views and relationship with work caused him to overcorrect and lose his way. How he learned to trust himself and gain clarity on his life

  • Shannon Algeo: How to Trust Your Truth

    24/02/2021 Duración: 57min

    It's one of the most difficult parts of the spiritual journey. How do you learn to distinguish between the chatter of the mind and the natural intuition and wisdom of your body? This week, Dan gets some help answering this question from his good friend, Shannon Algeo! Named one of the 35 under 35 in wellness to watch in Wanderlust, Shannon Algeo is a celebrated speaker, writer and life coach. His popular podcast, The Soul Feed, features interviews with iconic culture and spiritual leaders. In his coaching practice, Shannon works with clients to heal old patterns of trauma so they can show up in the world with power, presence and purpose. Shannon has a brand new book called "Trust Your Truth" available March 1st. Topics discussed in the podcast include: The power of presence and how to distinguish between the wisdom of the body and the chatter of the mind. Yoga nidra and how it's a powerful technology to escape that fight or flight response in your body. How relationships are one of the most powerful vehic

  • The 4 Myths Keeping You From Monetizing Your Purpose

    19/02/2021 Duración: 34min

    One of the things that makes Dan compassionately angry is when he comes across good people with a big heart and a desire to serve that have a gift to give the world, yet are playing small and not fully embracing and expressing their potential. Yet if they allowed themselves to share it with the world, it could transform the lives of not only their people but themselves. So many people play small and continue to live in a story of "Dan, I can't possibly monetize my purpose." Does this feel like you? We got you. This week on the podcast, Dan is going to bust through the four myths to help you get unstuck and actually monetize your life's purpose. Follow Dan on Instagram To learn more about how you can work with Dan, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

  • I’ve Reached My Goal... Now What the Hell Do I Do?

    10/02/2021 Duración: 21min

    You've accomplished your goal! You set the intention, did the work and accomplished the thing! Congratulations! But then, all of a sudden, the high starts to disappear. You get bored. You feel lost. The rush is no longer there. Now what? So how do you handle that feeling? Maybe you feel that way with where you're at in life now! Dan explains the science behind how you're feeling. Plus, he'll share with you 4 steps to stay motivated after you’ve reached a goal. Follow Dan on Instagram for daily tips and motivation: @cscdanmason To learn more about Dan and his one-on-one coaching programs, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

  • The #1 Decision to Guarantee Your Success This Year

    02/02/2021 Duración: 22min

    One word. One singular way of being. One that will determine whether 2021 is a year of massive growth and success or another year of treading water and just getting by and going through the motions. This will be an episode that might trigger you because the word itself is triggering. The word? Responsibility. You might feel heavy or even feel fear when you hear that word. It can bring up external responsibilities that we have to others. You might do well meeting those external responsibilities. But is it to your own expense? If you are not getting the results you want in your career, finances, relationships or any aspect of your life... you might have forgotten the other side of that: personal responsibility. Are you being 100% personally responsible for your thoughts, emotional state and actions? Let's dig in this week. It's important. It might change your life. Follow Dan on Instagram for daily tips and motivation: @cscdanmason To learn more about Dan and his one-on-one coaching programs, visit cr

  • Dan on The Elvis Duran Show: 3 Hacks for More Joy in 2021

    23/01/2021 Duración: 25min

    A few days ago, Dan joined his friend Elvis Duran and the crew from The Elvis Duran Morning Show on their 15 Minute Morning Show Podcast! On it, he shared his three hacks for more joy in 2021. Take a listen to the episode PLUS stay until the end for a special bonus ah-ha moment he had in the last week. Follow Dan on Instagram for daily tips and motivation: @cscdanmason To learn more about Dan and his one-on-one coaching programs, visit Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

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