Life Amplified With Dan Mason

Archie Messersmith-Bunting: The #1 Shift to Improve Your Well-Being



We can spend years reading the self help books. We can intellectually understand all the events of our life that have blocked us as fully and vibrantly as we want. But we stay in the place of intellectualizing. We understand, but we never embody a new way of being. This week's guest is going to get you out of your head and back into your heart. That's where you can bring change into your life. Archie Messersmith-Bunting is The Feelings Guy. He's a mental wellness coach, consultant and professional speaker. In his former life, he was a successful musical theatre performer on Broadway before addiction and clinical depression destroyed his childhood dream and led him to a place where suicide seemed like the only option. After battling back from the jaws of addiction, Archie now uses the stage to remind us that we're all more than the wreckage of our past. Some of the topics covered include: How unresolved childhood trauma and drug use led Archie to a downward spiral that cost him his dream career, but how he