Creek Of The Week: A Dawson's Creek Podcast



THE Dawson's Creek podcast


  • Episode 252 – Ronnie’s Party

    05/08/2020 Duración: 37min

    Another fine week in our shared dystopia means another fine episode of Schitt’s Creek for us to watch and you to listen to us watch. This week Moira is campaigning (timely!) and gets invited to a party of like-minded women who are unhappy to welcome a man into their midst. Meanwhile Alexis struggles at working, […]

  • Episode 251 – Moira’s Nudes

    29/07/2020 Duración: 40min

    The long dark month is over and COTW returns to your ears. We’ve come back swinging this week with a spicy ep called Moira’s Nudes. Unfortunately the only nudity you will be experiencing is the auditory nakedness of two grown men baring their souls for their podcast audience. It may be metaphorical, but it is […]

  • Episode 250 – Milk Money

    01/07/2020 Duración: 40min

    This week’s episode features a fun little mixup when Alexis buys Johnny way too much raw milk. It also features some drama when David plays stylist to his mother’s political opponent. Add in the return of sexy Ted the vet, Schitt-faced Jazzagals, and some sick pre-show reccomendos from your hosts, and you’ve got yourself an […]

  • Episode 249 – The Candidate

    24/06/2020 Duración: 40min

    We’re back baby! And we have a fun episode in store for you. This week there is a power vacuum in Schitt’s Creek and one of the Rose’s has to fill it. At first Johnny thinks it will be him, but when the town rallies around Moira, there is strife in their otherwise rock-solid marriage. […]

  • Episode 248 – Moira Vs. Town Council

    10/06/2020 Duración: 57min

    Since one half of our daring duo is incommunicado for a few weeks, the other half took it upon himself to bring in a guest. So this week we all get the pleasure of watching an episode of Schitt’s Creek with the inimitable Sean from the WDIM Podcast. We talk about movies, TV, disgusting internet […]

  • Episode 247 – Bob’s Bagels

    03/06/2020 Duración: 42min

    So, in the real world it has been one hell of a week. But in the creek world things are only mildly uncomfortable, so lets stick with that while we can. Alexis is sick, and Moira is frightened, something tells me she would not do well in 2020. Johnny has a business idea that Bob […]

  • Episode 246 – Estate Sale

    27/05/2020 Duración: 36min

    Hey beautiful creekbabies. This week is a fun episode involving bicycles. As it turns out, neither Alexis nor David knows how to ride one. And when Alexis receives one from Mutt as a gift, she becomes kind of unreasonably annoyed and has to learn how. Meanwhile the elder Rose’s spy a used mattress that seems […]

  • Episode 245 – Jazzagals

    20/05/2020 Duración: 39min

    There once was a lady named Moira Who wished to sing in a choir-a She dropped a few hints And wouldn’t relent So the jazzagals finally employed ‘er Thank you, thank you very much. Theme by Sound of Days everybody. Have a good Wednesday we’ll see ya next week!

  • Episode 244 – Family Dinner

    13/05/2020 Duración: 52min

    This week your hosts are unusually talkative.  We recap our fun live stream (should have been there, twas bitchin’), and talk about the usual pre-show banter stuff.  Then we watch Shitts Creek and blather some more.  The episode is one of my personal favorites.  David & Moira make enchiladas.  Johnny looks to rent office space […]

  • Episode 243 – Finding David

    06/05/2020 Duración: 35min

    Come my lady, come come my lady.  You’re my butterfly. Sugar. Baby. Come my lady, come come my lady.  You’re my butterfly. Sugar. Baby. Come my lady, come come my lady.  You’re my butterfly. Sugar. Baby. Come my lady, come come my lady.  You’re my butterfly. Sugar. Baby. Come my lady, come come my lady.  […]

  • Episode 242 – Town for Sale

    22/04/2020 Duración: 38min

    Season. One. Finale.  Welcome to the end of the first season, and what a ride it’s been.  Lessons learned, friendships made… excuse me. Sebastian!  Sebastian stop that nonsense right this minute! I’m sorry folks, it seems 19 year old son has taken it upon himself to play with his army men in the middle of […]

  • Episode 241 – Surprise Party

    15/04/2020 Duración: 37min

      Welcome, my friends, to episode 241 of the Creek of the Week Podcast aaay-oooooooooooooooooooo.  I am feeling good tonight.  Feelin real good.  Just microwaved up a Lean Quisine, put my favorite song on the turntable (Butterfly, by Crazy Town, of course), and now it’s time to write the description.  If you’re wondering how I’m […]

  • Episode 240 – Little Sister

    08/04/2020 Duración: 40min

    Hello folks, welcome back to Creek of the week?  Month?  Decade?  Time has lost all meaning, and reality is but a dew drop rolling down a leaf, soon to drop from the tip and plummet to the earth, only to be absorbed into the soil and forgotten.  As I sit, canary in a cage though […]

  • Episode 239 – Honeymoon

    01/04/2020 Duración: 40min

    It’s a new week, and a new me!  I went down a dark path with last week’s episode description, and I assure you that this week I am back to business as usual.  So lets get to it!  This week is about people going to parties!  Ahem…  So Johnny and Moira are feeling a little […]

  • Episode 238 – Carl’s Funeral

    25/03/2020 Duración: 38min

    Hello fellow quarantinians and welcome to the apocalypse.  We, your humble hosts, are here to provide a bit of levity during these strange and frightening times, and to harken back to a world where the ever present threat of a slow and painful death, drowning in your own lung-fluid, was merely a remote possibility, and […]

  • Episode 237 – Allez-Vous

    11/03/2020 Duración: 43min

    We got a doozy this week folks.  MLM fever hit’s Schitt’s Creek, and unfortunately the Rose’s are the last ones to catch it.  While Moira is attempting to supplement her income with questionable cosmetics, Johnny is trying to get the unemployment that is his right as a taxpaying citizen.  Alexis, of course, is flirting with […]

  • Episode 236 – Turkey Shoot

    04/03/2020 Duración: 34min

    Welcome to episode se7en of Schitt’s Creek, and episode 23six6 of Creek of the Week.   This week’s ep is quite delightful even though it involves vicious animal death.  David panic-volunteers to go on a turkey hunt with Stevie and some locals, this obviously leads to some fun discomfort.  Alexis goes on a date with Ted […]

  • Episode 235 – Wine and Roses

    26/02/2020 Duración: 32min

    Hey!  Over here!  It’s a podcast!  This week Moira gets an acting job, and Johnny makes a pest of himself on set.  Meanwhile David isn’t feeling well so Alexis drags him to a yoga class after picking up roadkill.  That’s the jist of it anyway.  Your hosts watch and commentate on everything, then follow it […]

  • Episode 234 – The Cabin

    19/02/2020 Duración: 34min

      Another Week, another Creek.  I have undoubtedly said that in one of these descriptions before, probably multiple times.  Nevertheless, it remains an undeniable truth.  This week’s Schitt’s Creek (sixth sheeps sick) finds Johnny and Moira looking for a little privacy so they can bone down raw dog.   Hijinks ensue when the couple breaks into […]

  • Episode 233 – Bad Parents

    12/02/2020 Duración: 38min

    Welcome to Episode 4 of Schitt’s Creek.  This week we find the Rose’s looking to connect with their children, while their children connect with the locals.  Look, it’s a 20 minute show, I can’t write a much more detailed description of the episode than that.  You want specifics?  Fine.  David and Stevie attempt to sell […]

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