Lithuanian Out Loud



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  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0160 - Exam 44

    28/04/2009 Duración: 04min

    Exam 44 Keturiasdešimt ketvirtas egzaminas. This is a quick response episode! We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud! It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now. Ready, set, go! Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! also irgi, taip pat if jei/jeigu somewhere, anywhere kur nors maybe galbūt or arba separate atskiras together kartu peace ramybė in peace ramybėje the world pasaulis old senas/sena in the old sename the forest miškas inhabitant gyventojas / gyventoja city miestas diminutive of city miestelis dormitory (dorm) bendrabutis examples pavyzdžiai I can live in Lithuania aš galiu gyventi Lietuvoje I like living in Kaunas man patinka gyventi Kaune I want to live in Klaipėda aš noriu gyventi Klaipėdoje is there anywhere to live? ar yra kur gyventi? why not live better? kodėl negyventi geriau? one can live or not live here galima gyventi arba negyventi čia why not live your life in Lithuania? kodėl negyventi savo gyvenimo Lietuvoje? I live in Chicago aš gyvenu Čikagoje I’m

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0159 - Exam 43

    14/04/2009 Duración: 03min

    Exam 43 Keturiasdešimt trečias egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! to live                              gyventi I live                                aš gyvenu  you live (familiar)           tu gyveni  he lives                           jis gyvena  she lives                          ji gyvena  you live (formal)              jūs gyvenate  you all live                      jūs gyvenate  we live                            mes gyvename  they live (mm/mf)           jie gyvena  they live (females)           jos gyvena to not live                       negyventi I don’t live                     aš negyvenu you don’t live (familiar)   tu negyveni he doesn’t live               jis negyvena she doesn’t live               ji negyvena we don’t live                 mes negyvename you don’t live (formal)   jūs negyvenate you all don

  • Lithuanian Out Loud Chat 0158 - Sutinku I Agree

    31/03/2009 Duración: 11min

    Labuka mielieji, cia Raminta ir malonu, kad vėl esate su mumis! (Hi darlings, this is Raminta and it’s a pleasure you are here with us again!) Hi there, I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’ll start a new series called Lithuanian Out Loud Chat.  In this episode I sat down with Raminta and Antanas.  Antanas is a native of Vilnius, Lithuania.  In this chat series I toss out a phrase in English and I ask our native speakers to translate and discuss the phrase.  Keep in mind, they have no idea what I’m going to ask them.  Thanks a million Antanai for coming on the show, it was very gracious of you.  But, before we get started, here’s a message from a listener, Charles from Brazil.  Thanks Charles for sending us these comments and please send us an email, we’d love to hear from you.  So, here’s Charles and then today’s episode.  Enjoy! (message from Charles) ...okay, two more, first one, one that you just taught me yesterday… I agree aš sutink

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0157 - Exam 42

    25/03/2009 Duración: 05min

    Exam 42 Keturiasdešimt antras egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! work! (tu)                   dirbk! dance! (tu)                  šok! look! (tu)                    žiūrėk! work! (jūs)                dirbkite! dance! (jūs)               šokite! look! (jūs)                 žiūrėkite! let’s work!                dirbkime! let’s dance!                 šokime! let’s look!                  žiūrėkime! to jump                      šokinėti   jump! (tu)                 šokinėk! to look                       žiūrėti   look! (tu)                   žiūrėk! to run                        bėgti run! (tu)                     bėk! to do                         daryti   do it! (tu)                  daryk! to go                         eiti   go! (tu)                      eik! to come                     ateiti   come! (tu

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0156 - Buvau Jaunas I Was Young

    05/03/2009 Duración: 15min

    Hey there, I‘m Jack and I‘m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we have a special recording that a listener sent us.  This is a story from Jonas who wanted to tell us about his days as a young man in 1969.  First we'll play his recording for you and then we‘ll translate it and break some of it down. So, here is Jonas with a short story about his youth! Tūkstantis devyni šimtai šešiasdešimt devintaisiais metais buvau jaunas ir gražus, man buvo devyniolika metų. Studijuoti aukštąjį mokslą noro nebuvo, tuo metu buvau baigęs vidurinę mokyklą, vienuolika klasių. Kadangi aukštesnės pakopos mokslai netraukė, o tais senais sovietiniais laikais buvo privaloma karinė tarnyba, aš buvau nusiteikęs du savo gyvenimo metus atiduoti tarybinei armijai. Kareiviu būti nenorėjau, bet tais laikais buvo tokios taisyklės kurių reikėjo laikytis. Tuo metu aš dirbau cemento gamykloje prie tekinimo staklių, darbas nebuvo nei mielas, nei sunkus. Prie bet kokių santvark

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0155 - Ledinis Tvenkinys An Icy Pond

    24/02/2009 Duración: 14min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to Wikipedia, the Nemunas is a major Eastern European river beginning in Belarus and flowing through Lithuania before draining into the Curonian Lagoon and then into the Baltic Sea at Klaipėda. The Nemunas marks the border between Lithuania and Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast. It is the 14th largest river in Europe, the largest in Lithuania and the 3rd largest in Belarus, it is navigable for most of its 900-kilometer length. Today we’ll start to learn how to use Lithuanian adjectives.  An adjective is a word that modifies a noun.  For example, a car is a noun.  What kind of car is it?  We need an adjective to describe this noun.  The car is expensive.  Expensive is an adjective.  An expensive car.  A red car.  An old car.  A fast car. Lithuanian adjectives can be masculine, feminine or neuter.  Masculine adjectives are combined with masculine nouns and feminine adjectives are comb

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0154 - Exam 41

    11/02/2009 Duración: 04min

    LL0154 – Exam 41 keturiasdešimt pirmas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! a son                     sūnus one son                  vienas sūnus two sons                du sūnūs three sons              trys sūnūs five sons                penki sūnūs eight sons               aštuoni sūnūs a person                 žmogus one person             vienas žmogus two people              du žmonės three people           trys žmonės six people             šeši žmonės nine people              devyni žmonės an uncle                  dėdė one uncle                vienas dėdė two uncles             du dėdės six uncles               šeši dėdės four uncles             keturi dėdės three uncles           trys dėdės the station               stotis one station             viena stotis two stations           dvi stotys three stati

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0153 - Exam 40

    31/01/2009 Duración: 04min

    LL0153 – Exam 40 Keturiasdešimtas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! dawn                       aušra gate, gates               vartai the gates of dawn or dawn’s gates          aušros vartai a stone                    akmuo one stone                vienas akmuo two stones              du akmenys nine stones              devyni akmenys five stones               penki akmenys seven stones          septyni akmenys the bowl                  dubuo one bowl                   vienas dubuo two bowls                 du dubenys four bowls                keturi dubenys six bowls                  šeši dubenys three bowls               trys dubenys a muscle                   raumuo one muscle               vienas raumuo two muscles              du raumenys five muscles             penki raumenys three muscles        t

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0152 - Mano Gyvenimas Puikus My Life Is Excellent

    13/01/2009 Duración: 08min

    Mano Gyvenimas Puikus My Life Is Excellent Hi there, I’m Raminta and I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. Today Raminta and I got an interesting email.  It seems we have been nominated for Persons of the Year by the news portal at in Lithuania.  If you would like to see us and our competition at the Lietuviams website just follow the link on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage.  Naturally, we’d love it if you have the time to go there and vote for us.  You have to vote some time in January.  No voting will be allowed in February.  How fun! Persons Of The Year Competition: Alright!  Now it’s time for another episode of Gyvenimas Puikus!  Here are two separate conversations in a Lithuanian restaurant… Ar jūs pasiruošę užsisakyti maistą? Aš nežinau, ar picoje „Margarita“ nėra svogūnų? Aš nekenčiu svogūnų. Ne, šioje picoje nėra svogūnų. Gerai, pabandysiu šią picą. --- Ar jūs p

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0151 - Flashcards Body Parts

    12/01/2009 Duración: 02min

    Flashcards Body Parts Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  This is a flashcard episode.  To use this episode you have to download the accompanying pdf file and open it.  Then just follow along with the audio. The pdf file has four pages.  On the first two pages we give you the English and the Lithuanian text along with an image from the public domain clip art collection at WP Clipart. The third and fourth pages of our pdf file have English only.  So, if you print the pdf file onto heavy paper or card stock you can cut them out and create hand-held flashcards.  You can study by yourself or with a friend.  Here we go, enjoy! eye akis mouth burna nose nosis head galva ear ausis arm ranka leg koja hand ranka hair plaukai neck kaklas foot pėda heart širdis brain smegenys finger pirštas thumb nykštys wrist riešas tooth dantis teeth dantys skin oda elbow alkūnė knee kelis chest krūtinė lip lūpa lips lūpos face veidas body kūnas

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0150 - Exam 39

    09/01/2009 Duración: 04min

    Exam 39 Trisdešimt devintas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! a room                                                             kambarys you have a room (jūs)                                     jūs turite kambarį you don’t have a room (jūs)                               jūs neturite kambario idea                                                                idėja you all have an idea                                          jūs turite idėją you all don’t have an idea                                   jūs neturite idėjos a male doctor                                                     gydytojas they have a male doctor (mm/mf group)        jie turi gydytoją they don’t have a male doctor (mm/mf group)     jie neturi gydytojo a female doctor                                                 gydytoja they have a female

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0149 - Flashcards More Animals

    08/01/2009 Duración: 02min

    Flashcards More Animals Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  This is a flashcard episode.  To use this episode you have to download the accompanying pdf file and open it.  Then just follow along with the audio. The pdf file has four pages.  On the first two pages we give you the English and the Lithuanian text along with an image from the public domain clip art collection at WP Clipart. The third and fourth pages of our pdf file have English only.  So, if you print the pdf file onto heavy paper or card stock you can cut them out and create hand-held flashcards.  You can study by yourself or with a friend.  Here we go, enjoy! alligator aligatorius eel ungurys sea lion jūrų liūtas crab krabas dolphin delfinas fish žuvis jellyfish medūza bat šikšnosparnis fox lapė giraffe žirafa goat ožka hippopotamus begemotas sheep avis gorilla gorila scorpion skorpionas weasel žebenkštis leopard leopardas zebra zebras stork gandras cuckoo gegutė pigeon balandis lobster omaras octopus aštuonkojis sh

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0148 - Gyvenimas Puikus Kaune Life Is Excellent In Kaunas

    07/01/2009 Duración: 10min

    Hi there, I’m Raminta and I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to a Los Angeles Times article of September 2005, a Russian SU-27 flying from St. Petersburg to Kaliningrad went off course, flew over Lithuania, the pilot ejected and the plane crashed into an empty Lithuanian field.  Everything about this story is bizarre.  Russian authorities initially claimed the plane was unarmed but in fact it had air-to-air missiles and a canon.  Why did the aircraft fly over 120 miles into Lithuania?  Why did the pilot turn off his radar beacon?  Why did he fly low to the ground under Lithuanian radar?  Nothing about the incident makes sense.  Soon after the crash Lithuanian Air Force Commander Colonel Jonas Marcinkus was fired from his post for some phone calls he made to Russian military officers.  Some analysts have suggested the aircraft was testing Lithuanian defenses for a hypothetical Russian war with Poland and Lithuania. Laba diena, norėčiau u

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0147 - Flashcards Structures

    06/01/2009 Duración: 02min

    Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  This is a flashcard episode.  To use this episode you have to download the accompanying pdf file and open it.  Then just follow along with the audio. Photograph: Laisvės statula (Freedom Statue), Kaunas, Lithuania Photographer: Algirdas (Wikipedia) The pdf file has four pages.  On the first two pages we give you the English and the Lithuanian text along with an image from the public domain clip art collection at WP Clipart. The third and fourth pages of our pdf file have English only.  So, if you print the pdf file onto heavy paper or card stock you can cut them out and create hand-held flashcards.  You can study by yourself or with a friend.  Here we go, enjoy! a building pastatas   buildings pastatai  castle pilis tower bokštas church bažnyčia  farm ūkis fort fortas  factory fabrikas  city miestas house namas  home namai apartment butas lighthouse švyturys  firestation gaisrinė  coal mine anglių kasykla statue statula   bridge tiltas  fountain

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0146 - Exam 38

    03/01/2009 Duración: 04min

    Trisdešimt aštuntas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! I don’t have                                     aš neturiu you don’t have (tu)                          tu neturi he doesn’t have                               jis neturi she doesn’t have                              ji neturi we don’t have                                  mes neturime you don’t have (jūs)                          jūs neturite you all don’t have                             jūs neturite they don’t have (m/m or m/f group)    jie neturi they don’t have (females only)            jos neturi a passport                                        pasas I have a passport                              aš turiu pasą I don’t have a passport                     aš neturiu paso a question                                        klausimas I have a question      

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0145 - Gyvenimas Puikus Vilniuje Life Is Excellent In Vilnius

    02/01/2009 Duración: 06min

    Hi there, I’m Raminta and I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to the Wikipedia page entitled, Rimantas Antanas Stankevičius, on 9 September 1990, Lithuanian pilot Rimantas Antanas Stankevičius died while performing at an airshow in Treviso, Italy.  He was flying an SU-27 high-performance jet and after performing a loop the aircraft was lower than it should have been.  Rimantas could have ejected safely but the unpiloted aircraft might then have smashed into the crowds of people watching the show.  Rimantas chose to stay with the aircraft to ensure it crashed clear of the spectators.  Rimantas was not only a first-class test pilot but also the first Lithuanian astronaut who flew the Buran Space Shuttle prototype.  He was born in Mariampolė, Lithuania and was buried in Kaunas, Lithuania.  He was 46 years-old. Sveiki, staliuką dviems prašau Kokio staliuko norėtumėte? Mes prisėsime prie stalelio esančio prie lango Puiku, prisėskite, tuoj atn

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0144 - Arba Or

    01/01/2009 Duración: 05min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to Radio Vilnius: News & Current Affairs Lithuania has the third lowest birthrate in Europe and Lithuania makes the list of the ten nations worldwide with the lowest birthrates.  Naturally it’s difficult for parents to combine childcare with work and daycare isn’t easy to find.  Lithuania has the longest maternity leave coverage in the world.  The childcare giver receives two years off work with full pay supplied by the Lithuanian government. In Lithuanian you can say “or” using ar or arba or ar or arba or ar or arba yes or no                                           taip arba ne England or Lithuania                           Anglija arba Lietuva either us or your friends                       arba mes arba tavo draugai a film or a book                                      filmas arba knyga good or bad                                            geras ar blogas black or

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0143 - Galėti To Be Able

    28/12/2008 Duración: 15min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to the free Wikipedia page Romuva; The Quendlinburg Chronicle mentions a missionary Bruno of Querfort, who was killed along with 18 men by Yotvingians because of entering The Holy Forest.  This was the first time the name of Lithuania was mentioned in written sources.  Lithuanians came to history as very conservative believers of an ancient European pre-Christian faith, they preserved this religion until the 14th and 15th centuries.  They happened to be the last non-nomadic people in Europe practicing pristine Indo-European polytheism. In the 13th century Pope Gregory IX declared crusades against the Baltic peoples.  This led to the destruction of the Baltic faith.  Grand Duke Mindaugas was Christianized with his family and warriors in 1251 to get recognition from Christian Europe.  But, Mindaugas still worshipped pagan deities as the Hyperian Chronicle mentions.  He sacrifice

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0142 - Flashcards Animals

    19/12/2008 Duración: 03min

    Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  This is a flashcard episode.  To use this episode you have to download the accompanying pdf file and open it.  Then just follow along with the audio. The pdf file has four pages.  On the first two pages we give you the English and the Lithuanian text along with an image from the public domain clip art collection at WP Clipart. The third and fourth pages of our pdf file have English only.  So, if you print the pdf file onto heavy paper or card stock you can cut them out and create hand-held flashcards.  You can study by yourself or with a friend.  Here we go, enjoy! dog šuo cat katė bird paukštis bull jautis cow karvė rabbit triušis chicken višta rooster gaidys rat žiurkė puppy šuniukas chick (baby chicken) viščiukas horse arklys lion liūtas bear meška / lokys elephant dramblys snake gyvatė monkey beždžionė frog varlė turtle vėžlys wolf vilkas mouse pelė lizard driežas elk briedis deer elnias

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0141 - Interviu Su Ingrida Interview With Ingrida

    17/12/2008 Duración: 17min

    Hi there, I’m Raminta and I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. Prašom... According to the Wikipedia page entitled, Russians in Lithuania, most of the present-day Russians in Lithuania are migrants from the Soviet era and their descendants. In Lithuania, Russian emmigration was resisted.  In Latvia and Estonia, less was done to stop it. By 1989 Russians made up 30% of the population in Estonia, while in Latvia, ethnic Latvians made up just 52% of the population. In contrast, in the last Soviet census in 1989, only 9 percent of Lithuania's population were ethnic Russians. Russians who reside in Lithuania live mainly in urban areas. In Vilnius they make up 13% of the population, and 20% in Klaipėda. Kaunas has just 4% ethnic Russians. The town of Visaginas was built for workers at the Ignalina nuclear power plant and therefore has an ethnic Russian majority of 55%. Alright, here is the first in a series of conversations Raminta recorded at a barbecue

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