Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud Chat 0158 - Sutinku I Agree



Labuka mielieji, cia Raminta ir malonu, kad vėl esate su mumis! (Hi darlings, this is Raminta and it’s a pleasure you are here with us again!) Hi there, I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’ll start a new series called Lithuanian Out Loud Chat.  In this episode I sat down with Raminta and Antanas.  Antanas is a native of Vilnius, Lithuania.  In this chat series I toss out a phrase in English and I ask our native speakers to translate and discuss the phrase.  Keep in mind, they have no idea what I’m going to ask them.  Thanks a million Antanai for coming on the show, it was very gracious of you.  But, before we get started, here’s a message from a listener, Charles from Brazil.  Thanks Charles for sending us these comments and please send us an email, we’d love to hear from you.  So, here’s Charles and then today’s episode.  Enjoy! (message from Charles) ...okay, two more, first one, one that you just taught me yesterday… I agree aš sutink