Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich

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LIVE WEDS 12 PM ET/11 am CT/10MT/9PT Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined.


  • Intimacy – Do You Have It? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Do you have intimacy in your life? Do you actually know what it is? Or you are thinking intimacy is sex? What if it is not? Let us play with the idea of what is true intimacy looks like. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facil

  • Реакция или Выбор? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  А что если вы не должны реагировать? Что если вы можете выбрать ваше действие без эмоции? Давайте поиграемся с инструментами которые могут нам помочь не входить в реакцию. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, 3 Day B

  • Instinct or Choice ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much of your life is based on instinct or reaction instead of CHOICE? Let us play with tools of Access Consciousness and see if we can have choice where we decided we do not. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator,

  • Вы с Нами или Против Нас? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Насколько вы должны соглашаться с точкой зрения каждого? Мы либо согласны с ними, либо если нет, то мы против них. Посмотрим, есть ли другой выбор. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, 3 Day Body Class Facilitator an

  • Are You With Us or Against Us? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much do you have to fit with everyone's point of view? We either agree with them or if we do not then we are against them. Let's see if there is another choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, 3 Day Body Cla

  • Созидание за Пределами Страхов in Russian with Guest Anna Rodina


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  А что если мы можем созидать не взирая на страхи или за пределами страхов. Присоединяйтесь к интервью с Анной Родиной - эконмистом-издатель-переводчиком, а также Фасилитатором Access Consciousness ® Анна Родина - эконмист-издатель-переводчик, а также Фасилитатор Access Consciousness ® а также мама 2 дочек и счастливая женщина. Анна обучает инструментам изменения жизни и тела в лёгкости. Ссылка на документ с вопросами: *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness t

  • Травма! Драма! Ой! ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Сколько времени вы проводите в состоянии травмы и драмы или решения проблем? А что если есть другой путь? Или много других вариантов?... *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, 3 Day Body Class Facilitator and a Reiki M

  • Trauma! Drama! Arhhh! ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much time and energy do you spend in the state of trauma and drama or solving problems? What if there is another way? Or many other choices?... *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, 3 Day Body Class Facilitator an

  • Вы Думаете? Или Вы Знаете?~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Сколько времени вы тратите на размышления и беспокойство? Что, если вы знаете? Что, если эти шепоты сознания на самом деле истинны, а не ваши мысли? Что, если эти мысли на самом деле не ваши? *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified

  • Are You Thinking Or Do You Know?~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much time do you spend thinking and worrying? What if you know? What if those whispers of consciousness are actually true and not your thoughts? What if those thoughts are actually not yours? *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certif

  • Честность и Справедливость ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Насколько вы верите в честность и справедливость? Насколько справедливо и честно с вами обращаются, и обращаетесь ли вы с другими честно и справедливо? Давайте поиграем с инструментами, которые могут создать что-то другое что может быть изменит вашу жизнь. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School

  • Joy of Problems ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How many people are complaining about their problems? Are you one of them? Have you been able to change your problems? What if you are not able to change them because you actually enjoy solving problems and you have some kind of joy of having problems. Let us play with those crazy ideas and see if we can actually change some things in our lives. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio

  • Stop Divorcing You! ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much are you suppressing you in the relationship? at work? with your family? Are you being YOU or are you divorcing you? Let us play with the tools of Access Consciousness and see if we can change all of this. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Conscio

  • Наше Тело и Наша Реальность in Russian with Guest Dmitry Kalinkin


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Насколько вы решили что ваше тело собой представляет. У нас в студии будет гость Дмитрий Калинкин и мы поговорим об этом и узнаем как мы можем выйти за пределы проблем и драмы в которых многие живут в этой реальности. Энергопрактик и энерготерапевт, мастер разборов, создатель авторских методик и курсов Сертифицированный фасилитатор международной школы Access Consciousness. Он также автор книжки "Путь Избранного" *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide

  • Fairness and Justice ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much do you believe in fairness and justice? How much are you being treated fair and just and are you treating others fair and just? Let us play with tools that can create something that is beyond fair and just. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consc

  • Магия с Нашим Телом! in Russian ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Как часто мы не хотим видеть и понимать что наше тело нам говорит, до тех пор пока нам не становиться больно. A что если мы обладаем магией и можем менять все в нашей жизне и с нашим телом? *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilit

  • Infinite Choice – Infinite Possibilities! ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How many people see no way out of their situation. Years ago I was told that I had a choice. My response was I do not have a choice. Let us explore Choice/no Choice - and how much are we limiting our possibilities. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. She is also an Access Consci

  • Happy New Year! Happy New You! ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Happy New Year! So many of us are doing new year resolutions to lose weight, start an exercise program, and .....and...We all decided that from NEW YEAR it is going to be totally different. How many years it has been that we have done it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. What if we are not wrong in either case. Let us explore the world of New Year - New You! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a pub

  • Are You Trying to Find Joy? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  How much time are you actually joyful and happy? Or are you one of those people who are under a lot of stress and having a lot of problems and have no time for joy? I was one of them. What if there is a way out and the way to have joy and ease and fun? Let us play with some tools that possibly can create more ease and joy. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as

  • Ищем Счастье – Где Его Найти? (Show in Russian) ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich  Как часто мы говорим и слышим других хочу быть счастливым. Как найти счастье? Где найти счастье? А что если есть инструменты которые позволяют нам стать счстливие, сделать нашу жизнь немного или намного легче? Давайте поговорим на эту тему. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. Helen Gitlevich is a Medical Doctor, a published Author, a Radio Show Host/Podcaster as well as a Teacher of Akashic Records and a Founder of Akashic School of Creation. Sh

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