Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich

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LIVE WEDS 12 PM ET/11 am CT/10MT/9PT Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined.


  • Are You Trying To Prove How Right You are? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Are you trying to prove you are right? And yet are you thinking that you are wrong? What if you can actually go beyond right and wrong and be in total allowance? Let's have a conversation about allowance and how you can use it to create more in your life. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

  • Are Your Judgements Holding You Back From Having More Money? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Your points of view create your reality. So what if your judgments are the ones that keep you from having money and abundance? Let's talk about all judgement that people and our society have about money and see if we can change our finances. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

  • What Do You Believe In? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Do you believe in magic? Or do you believe in what this reality is telling you? What if there is much more to you then simply breathing, eating, sleeping, working ….? What if magic is real and you are it? ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:  

  • Его Величество СЕКС Или Отношения за Грaнями Этой Реальности ~ Guest Елена Суховий


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show А что если все, что вы знали о сексе – это не правда? Что если то что называется сексом в этой реальности – это всего лишь капля в море, что мы об этом знает... И поверьте, очень часто не самая чистая капля... Сколько убеждений, ограничений и неприязни, не удовольствия и не наслаждения в этом скрыто? А как бы выглядела ваша жизнь, если бы вам рассказали и показали, что это часть вашей оргазмической жизни, если бы вы наслаждвлись сексом, если бы вы знали, что гораздо большее возможно для вас и вашего партнера, для вас, вашей жизни и всей вселенной? Елена Суховий – практикующий тренер, коуч, медиатор – посредник в конфликтах, спикер, автор тренингов личностного роста, создания «Жизни в потоке», автор и ведущая клуба «Женские секреты», автор серии книг «Радужная библиотека», книги «Безграничный пазл – Я». Она имеет как опыт работы в международных компаниях, в банках, страховых компаниях, общественных организациях, так и опыт создания собственного пред

  • What Can Gratitude and Forgiveness Create? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show How much are you holding on to the past hurt? What if you could change the pain into something different? What if you could change it into forgiveness and gratitude? How would your life would be different? ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:  

  • What Can We Contribute to Earth Today? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show A lot of times people ask me when they come for Akashic Records consultation about their Life's purpose. What if it is totally different than a lot of people think. Lets play with what we can contribute to Earth and to each other. Let's use Akashic Records tools and see see how we can change our lives. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: ht

  • Life is How You Choose to C it – reaCting or Creating? ~ Guest Rachel Silber


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Do you live your life responding to everything that is around you or do you recognize that you are the source of your life and your experiences/? In this show will have a guest: Rachel Silber, who is a wonderer, a wanderer, a Facilitator of Possibilities, a speaker, author, change-maker, friend, wife and mom. She’s been facilitating with the Access Consciousness tools since 2011 and is grateful for every moment with the weird and whacky tools she loves so much! Everything can change when we’re ready to see what is .... and ask for what we’d like. SHe knows - from depression and prescription drugs to choosing happiness. What are the infinite possibilities? Rachel Silber is a wonderer, a wanderer, a Facilitator of Possibilities, a speaker, author, change-maker, friend, wife and mom. She’s been facilitating with the Access Consciousness tools since 2011 and is grateful for every moment with the weird and whacky tools she loves so much! Everything can

  • Спасти Себя или Уничтожить Мир ~ Guest Елена Суховий


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Show will be in Russian: В нашей передаче будет гость: Елена Суховий (Lena Sukhoviy) Елена – практикующий тренер, коуч, медиатор – посредник в конфликтах, спикер, автор тренингов личностного роста, создания «Жизни в потоке», автор и ведущая клуба «Женские секреты», автор серии книг «Радужная библиотека», книги «Безграничный пазл – Я». Елена обладает удивительной способностью видеть в человеке его безграничный потенциал. В передаче мы будем говорить как пережить этот кризис с Corona-19 вирусом и как используя инструменты Access Consciousness можно создавать жизнь с легкостью, радостью и великолепием. Елена Суховий – практикующий тренер, коуч, медиатор – посредник в конфликтах, спикер, автор тренингов личностного роста, создания «Жизни в потоке», автор и ведущая клуба «Женские секреты», автор серии книг «Радужная библиотека», книги «Безграничный пазл – Я». Елена владеет русским, английским, голландским и украинским языками. Она имеет как опыт работы

  • Getting out of Anger and Fear ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show What if anger and fear are not real? What if they are distractor implants that keep you stuck? Let's discuss how we can stop being at the mercy of ours or other people anger and fear that keeps us stuck. Lets choose something different. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

  • How Much Joy Can You Have in Your Life? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show How often do we wake up in a mood that is not joyful? What if you could have joy and fun? What if that was much easier than you think? Let's play with the tools of Access Consciousness to create more joy and fun in our lives. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:  

  • What Would You Do If You Did Not Have Problems? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show We always focus on problems and try to solve them. How many problems are we actually creating in order to solve them. Let's look what we can change to stop creating problems. And also look at how much our lives would be different if we would actually accomplished that. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visi

  • Do you Look or Act Like Your Mother? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show How much do you look and act like your mother or your father? Even if you resist looking or acting like them, how often do you notice that you still do? Let see if we can change that by using tools of Access Consciousness ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:  

  • Living Beyond Suffering ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show What if you could live beyond pain and suffering? What if pain and suffering is not part of life like everybody thinks it is? Let's play with that idea and go beyond what you consider norm. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:  

  • Growing Up with Spirituality and Consciousness ~ Guest Rachel Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show In this show will have a guest: Rachel Gitlevich, a certified mindfulness coach and breathwork facilitator. Rachel had an interesting upbringing. Her mom was always a seeker of a different possibility and by association her interest in spirituality and consciousness was peaked. In this show we will be discussing what it’s like to grow up with spirituality and consciousness. We’ll also be diving deep into topics about how it has changed her life in every which way possible. Rachel Gitlevich is a certified mindfulness coach and breathwork facilitator. Rachel had reached a breaking point in her recruiting career and knew that something needed to change. She felt caught in the auto-pilot of life and chose to leave her stable career to help others bring their dreams to life. She creates sacred environments so that individuals can connect deeply with their unique capabilities and aspirations. Her genuine and approachable style allows for easygoing yet cr

  • Life or Death? ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Life or Death? Which one are you creating in your life and in your body? A lot of people destroying their body and creating death of the body, of their finances, or death of their relationship. Let's play and see which one are you choosing: Life or Death? ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

  • Creation of Your Life Instead of Destruction ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show What if you did Creation of your life instead of destruction? How would your money situation change? How would your health would change? How would your relationships change? Let's play with Creation instead of destruction of your life. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:

  • Orgasmic Life ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show Have you ever wondered what would Orgasmic Life be like? How many people can not even imagine Orgasmic Life. Their idea is to get out of problems. But what if Orgasmic Life was a possibility? Let's play with the tools of Access Consciousness and Akashic Records and see if we can change out life from problems into Abundance and start Creating Abundance in our lives. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure

  • To Love or Not To Love ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show To love or not to love is always a question people don't normally ask. They ask does he or she love me? What if we start looking at what is our part in the relationship instead of looking at our partners. Let's play with tools of Akashic Records to create more abundance with ease in our lives. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives pa

  • Getting out of Pain ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show What if pain is totally not what you think? What if getting out of pain is much easier than you can imagine? Join me in the discussion on how you can be getting out of pain using tools of Access Consciousness. Helen will be talking about mysteries that the body can reveal if we listen to it. ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich will use the tools of Akashic Records and Access Consciousness to guide you on the journey to creating more in your life than you’ve ever imagined. To get more of Creating Abundance with Ease, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.i

  • Holiday and Your Body ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich


    Creating Abundance With Ease ~ Dr. Helen Gitlevich Radio Show What if we start enjoying our bodies instead of judging it? Let's make a new resolution this year to treat our bodies with respect and love it actually deserves and desires. In this week show we will explore the tools of Access Consciousness to start developing a nurturing relationship with our bodies. Join Dr. Helen Gitlevich on her debut show Creating Abundance with Ease.  Founder Christine McIver will be welcoming and interviewing Dr. Gitlevich on this show. You can join Dr. Helen on her free webinar: "New Years Resolutions with Your Body", January 14, 2020! Find out more info here: ~ More About Creating Abundance with Ease ~  Magic is everywhere. Abundance is everywhere. What if we can tap into abundance and start creating it in our lives with total ease? Are you choosing what you desire? What if more is available than you believe is possible? Dr Helen Gitlevich

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