Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - With Derek Rydall | Spiritual | Productivity | Self-help | Happines

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 461:13:46
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Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living y?our? Emergence!


  • Ask Derek Episode 5: Why Things Get Worse

    25/07/2014 Duración: 33min

    In this episode, Derek explores the dilemma that we face when we've been doing all the 'right things,' but everything seems to be going wrong. Why is it that, sometimes, the more we work on ourselves and our life, the worse things get?  The key is understanding a powerful principle that is often misunderstood -- or just missed all together. And it is the #1 reason things get worse the more we 'work on ourselves.'  If you're struggling, feeling stuck, in pain, there is nothing more important than applying the principle in this podcast. And Derek shows you how, step-by-step. Listen and be inspired!

  • Behold, Be Held, Be Whole: How to Activate True Healing and Abundance

    22/07/2014 Duración: 34min

    What if you could lean back into something that would hold, lift and support you throughout every moment of your life? What if everything in the universe was conspiring for your freedom and fulfillment? How would you feel? How would you hold yourself? What might you do?  If you could see the way things really are, and who you really are, you would fall to your knees and not only worship the ground you walk on – but worship the God of your own being! And in today’s podcast, you’ll learn the three key steps to creating miracles in your life.  Listen to “Behold, Be Held, Be Whole: How to Activate True Healing and Abundance” and discover how truly simple it is to let that wholeness naturally unfold. 

  • Ask Derek Episode 4: The Paradise Paradox

    18/07/2014 Duración: 25min

    If God is all-powerful and all-loving, how can there be so much pain & suffering in the world (or in my life)? This is an age-old question that philosophers have tried to answer for centuries.  However, the place from which it has been asked has often perpetuated the very problem it attempts to solve. Until now!  If you want a deeper understanding of this seeming paradox and, more importantly, learn how to end the suffering and manifest more good in your life, tune into today's ASK DEREK episode on 'The Paradise Paradox.' You will never see life in the same way. 

  • Grounding Your Good: Owning & Claiming All the Abundance In Your Life

    15/07/2014 Duración: 30min

    Ever noticed that when things start going downhill, they just get worse faster and faster, until all you can see is what’s wrong and what’s missing? Well, this mental habit to see problem is an evolutionary mechanism designed for our survival – but which has now become our greatest obstacle to growth. The GOOD NEWS is you can flip this on its head and ACCELERATE your growth! In today’s podcast, you’ll discover how, by dissolving one false concept, you can experience your life as an ever-expanding series of good fortune, where you release all the resistance, grow by quantum leaps, and put your success on autopilot. Listen to “Grounding Your Good – Owning and Claiming All the Abundance in Your Life” and FEEL THE SHIFT now.

  • Ask Derek Episode 3: Quantum Prayer?

    11/07/2014 Duración: 26min

    In this bonus episode, Derek answers questions about the true nature of prayer; the kind of prayer that 'works' more often and why, versus the older concept of prayer -- which is based on traditional religious perspectives and a limited understanding of the nature of the self and its relationship to the universe. He then breaks down the steps to a 'quantum prayer' and how you can start using them in your life TODAY. Then finishes it off with a powerful quantum prayer to activate more of your potential!

  • Heart of Gold, Soul of Steel: The Path of The Spiritual Warrior

    08/07/2014 Duración: 12min

    As a spiritual warrior, you’re designed to shine your light and pay your light bill …as well as having really great lampshades! The Spiritual Warrior is anchored in their heart and rooted in their soul – but isn’t soft in the face of challenges. She isn’t a doormat, she’s a welcome mat. She values and respects others, but never at the expense of herself. Her motto is ‘Love your neighbor, but don’t take their shi*t.’ To master this level of being, we must embrace the seeming-dark parts of ourselves, those wounded places we’ve been trying to heal, hide, or get rid of. They hold some of our greatest gifts of power and potential. In this podcast, you’ll learn how to release the guilt and shame, embrace your greatest strength, and show up fully empowered for your deepest purpose! Listen to this week’s podcast, “Heart of Gold, Soul of Steel: the Path of the Spiritual Warrior” and unlock your Personal Power today.    

  • Ask Derek Ep. 2: 5 Steps to 5X Your Personal Growth Results

    04/07/2014 Duración: 26min

    In these mini-casts, Derek answers key listener questions that often come up along this journey of emergence – questions about how to do this work successfully, how to navigate the path of spiritual growth and personal development  – how to find your path, live your purpose, and make a mighty impact on the planet. 

  • What Good Things Are In Your Way: Letting Go Of What Works for What's Right

    01/07/2014 Duración: 26min

    As your greater potential emerges and evolves, unfolding your deeper destiny, it feels good to hold onto something secure and to say "I can relax now, I've finally made it." But this sense of comfort, this sense that you can stop and let the storm go by not only doesn't last, it actually hinders your progress. Sometimes it's not your PROBLEMS that you need to let go of, it's your SOLUTIONS! Today's podcast shows you the way to rest WITHIN the eye of the storm, to ride that wave of ever-quickening unfoldment toward your greatest vision - and yet feel always supported by your true source. Listen to "What Good Things Are in Your Way: Letting Go of What Works for What's Right" to learn the secret of never-ending, ever-expanding growth and opportunity!

  • Ask Derek Episode 1 - Falling Apart or Falling Together

    27/06/2014 Duración: 28min

    "In this first episode of the Ask Derek series, Derek deals with the challenge people face when they start working on themselves and experience their life getting worse! Is there something wrong with me, with my approach? Are things falling apart or falling together? What's happening here? He also answers the question of how one begins to build that deeper inner connection with Source, so that they can be anchored in a place of peace, joy, and security -- regardless of what's happening in the outer conditions. This is about real growth, real freedom, and ultimate fulfillment. Don't miss it!"

  • Pushed by Pain or Pulled by Vision: The Choice is Yours

    24/06/2014 Duración: 35min

    Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. There's an evolutionary impulse calling us all to a higher level, now more than ever. It's that whisper in our ear for something more, that inner glow of vision that speaks to us in our quiet moments.  When we listen and say yes to this inner yes, our life emerges to the next level. When we resist it, deny it, or make excuses for why we can't honor it, we get stuck, our life stagnates, and crisis ensues. But fear not. Our crises are there to crack us open and release the seed of our potential -- so we can live the purpose for which we were born.

  • (Bonus) Foundations of Emergence

    20/06/2014 Duración: 31min

    In this bonus episode, Derek lays the foundation for this revolutionary principle, The Law of Emergence, and the transformational process of Emergineering -- which is the 7 steps to engineering the emergence of your life or any aspect of it. All of this provides a greater understanding and framework for getting the most out of the teachings in these podcasts, so this is one episode not to miss! Plus, the energy and vibrational resonance activated in this one is sure to lift you -- YOU WILL FEEL THE SHIFT! 

  • Life vs Life Experience: The Master Key to Healing & Achieving Everything

    17/06/2014 Duración: 42min

    We don't experience life as it is, we experience it through our perceptions about it. Life is already whole, perfect, and complete, but when we judge 'life experience' and let that determine what's true and possible, we're stuck with the limited beliefs of the world and can't fulfill our deepest potential. In today’s podcast, you'll discover the fourfold path that sets you free from the shackles of past experience and opens you to the realm of ultimate reality -- where unlimited power, abundance, and boundless joy are waiting to pour forth and renew your life on every level! It's not personal, its principle; it's not wishful thinking, it's wish fulfilling!  Listen to “Life vs. Life Experience: the Master Key to Healing and Achieving Everything,” to experience that “peace that passes all understanding” now.      

  • Saying YES and Living From Within

    10/06/2014 Duración: 40min

    The problem with protecting and preserving what’s in your bank account or whatever health, education, social and moral structures you’ve built up - is that what you become attached to is all you get! What's worse, what you hold onto causes it to diminish, dissolve, and eventually run out.  What if, instead, all the health and abundance you could ever need could appear fresh in your life every moment, without struggle? If you accept the challenge and opportunity in today's podcast -- "Saying Yes & Living From Within" -- over the next couple weeks (or couple days), prepare to have things you’ve been striving for finally begin to emerge! Listen to this week’s podcast, “Saying Yes and Living from Within” to find out how you can unleash all that you envision for your life, starting today!

  • No Cause, No Solution, No Problem

    03/06/2014 Duración: 41min

    Do problems come about because of bad karma, bad people, a bad childhood, or just bad luck? What if I told you there isn't any real cause to your problems...and that understanding this is the only way to a permanent solution.  How would you live if you were suddenly free of your problems? Who would you be, what could you do? In this podcast, "No Cause, No Solution, No Problem," I'll share some life-changing tips and strategies for living a problem-free life of ever-expanding possibilities! 

  • Finding Your True Freedom

    27/05/2014 Duración: 39min

    In this podcast, we'll reveal the three-step process that awakens you from the illusion that binds you, breaks you out of the prison in your consciousness, and empowers you to, as one master teacher put it, "overcome this world" in order to experience your TRUE freedom!   You know the logic: “If I just attract more money (or security or health), I’ll be free!" But, sooner or later, you’re back to being stressed, worried, and overwhelmed. What’s driving that?   

  • The To-Don't List: What Things to STOP Doing to Really Get You Going

    16/05/2014 Duración: 41min

    When people think about the greatest masters, in any field - from Buddha and Picasso to Einstein and Oprah - they often focus on what these leaders do (or have done) to create their great lives and work. But it's often what they didn't do, what they chose to stop doing, let go of, or turn their attention away from, that led to their exceptional lives and impact.  In this episode, you’ll learn this simple but powerful practice that, in and of itself will put you on the path for the best year of your life.

  • The One and Only Problem and The One and Only Solution

    14/05/2014 Duración: 26min

    What do you REALLY need to finally solve the biggest problems you've been struggling to change, heal, or get over? Is it one more healing technique, success strategy, herbal cocktail, or psychic reading? The truth is that there’s really only one problem and there's really only one solution. And once you understand this, and solve your problems this way, you'll never go back to the same problems again.  Get ready to have your mind blown, heart opened, and spirit lifted!

  • The Radical Reversal, The Big Betrayal

    14/05/2014 Duración: 35min

    The world is stuck in an illusion that someone or something outside has to change or give us something for us to be free. But there are two powerful principles that, when understood and applied, will not only free you from the feeling of being stuck or controlled by others -- it will unleash a manifestation power that will make you unstoppable. It doesn't matter where you've come from or what you're struggling with, you CAN be completely healed, completely fulfilled, and have ALL of your needs met. And in this podcast, we'll dive deeply into how!

  • Your True Source of Power

    14/05/2014 Duración: 44min

    We’re conditioned to believe that so many things have authority over us. Even well-intentioned teachers convey the idea that you need some vitamin, energy practice, karmic clearing, or astrological adjustment to handle Mercury in retrograde -- or you'll suffer. But the truth is that nothing 'out there' has the power to determine your destiny. And in this podcast, you'll discover why -- and how to take your power back. Like a great poker player, you'll be able to look at the cards you've been dealt and know how to think about them and how to play them to win the game of life!  

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