Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - With Derek Rydall | Spiritual | Productivity | Self-help | Happines

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 459:06:21
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Listen in as the World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-­improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings ...and begin living y?our? Emergence!


  • Living a Legendary life: Launch Your Quest, Take Your Stand, and Leave Your Mark!

    26/11/2014 Duración: 45min

    If you strive for safety and self-preservation, you're guaranteed to die without really living. If you live for a vision bigger than yourself, you'll live forever. The reason we remember great people is not because they maintained the status quo, but because they elevated life to a new level and took us with them. It's not just the great things they did that move us, but the great lives they lived and the divine potential they activated in human consciousness. This is what it means to live a Legendary Life. It's not about merely solving problems, but about living a grand adventure filled with grand questions (it's no accident the first part of that word is 'Quest.') A legendary life isn’t about getting a bigger box - whether it’s a box with doors called a house, a box with wheels called a car, or a box with money called a bank account - it's about breaking out of the containers we've been put in and discovering a territory of beauty and abundance that can never be contained! If you're reading this, you've bee

  • What You Really Want Really Wants You: the Secret Language of Desire

    18/11/2014 Duración: 35min

    We struggle so hard to ‘cause things to happen.’ But cause & effect is an relative perception, not an absolute law. Nothing is causing anything; everything is creating the conditions for something to emerge. When you let go of a pencil and it falls, you didn’t ‘cause’ that. You created the conditions that allowed the invisible pull of gravity to ‘manifest.’ When you water, weed, and feed a seed, you don’t ‘cause’ a plant to happen. The plant was already there; you just created the conditions for its emergence. Similarly, our belief that we have to cause our desires to manifest is actually the very resistance to them emerging. Like that plant in the seed, our desires are the invisible pull of the Thing We Want, trying to be born. The desire isn’t a sign of what’s outside that we must get, but a sign of what’s inside trying to get out. Once we understand this, the key is to then know how to create the conditions for the fulfillment of our desires to emerge. Listen to “What You Really Want Really Wants You:

  • Radical Empowerment

    11/11/2014 Duración: 34min

    We've been trained to believe that the world we see, touch, taste, and feel is the 'real world,' and the only way to create lasting change is to manipulate the conditions we find ourselves in. But trying to improve your life by manipulating appearances is like trying to make a better movie by messing with the movie screen its projecting on. Life is not happening 'out there,' it's happening within you. And only within you can you ultimately change it. This reverses your whole framework of living. You realize you're not on your way to more abundance, you're coming from it. You're not on your way back home to God, you are the way Life is putting Itself on display. You are the greatest Wonder of the World. But in order to experience this Truth, you must tap into it, become congruent with it, and live as if it's so. This leads to ultimate freedom and power. Listen to “Radical Empowerment” NOW and reclaim your power  from the illusory world of appearances. Discover the great truth that has enabled leaders throughou

  • The Inner Manifestation Machine

    04/11/2014 Duración: 32min

    When you make someone or something outside of you the source of your safety, security, or supply, the universe is set up to betray you – so you’ll find your real source within again. It’s a painful way to learn this lesson, but it’s also the path to true power and freedom. The truth Is, whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. So if you want more to come into your life, you must let more come out of you. The truth is, no matter what you lack in resources, you never lack in your ability to be resourceful – ‘full of source’ - again.’ And in this episode, “The Inner Manifestation Machine,” Derek walks you step-by-step through these universal principles of true prosperity, and gives you tools to apply them for real-world results in your life TODAY! 

  • From Problem-Solver to Vision Holder

    28/10/2014 Duración: 48min

    Within the frequency of your problem, the solution doesn't exist. Within the frequency of your vision, the problem doesn’t exist. So as long as you are focused on your problem, you are stuck with it. But if you’ll have the courage to seek the truth of your being – even when the bill collector is knocking at your door – you will open up a power and potential previously untapped (and maybe even unimagined).    Ice won’t melt until you rise above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (no matter what you do). That’s where ice lives. Likewise, your problems won’t go away until you rise above the level that they exist on. You must stop adapting or wrestling with circumstances and expand in the face of all contraction. This includes surrounding yourself with the people, places, things, activities, and thoughts that represent your future, not your past.    In this week’s episode, “From Problem-Solver to Vision-Holder: How to Powerfully Activate Your Purpose,” you’ll learn how to make this leap and take your life to a whole new level

  • The Urgency of Emergence or an "Emergency": Which Will You Choose?

    21/10/2014 Duración: 39min

    Most people don’t have ‘Free Will,’ they have ‘Free Won’t.’ Free Will is a product of expanded awareness; until you see the patterns running you, you aren’t choosing, you’re just reacting. When you’re reacting to these unconscious blocks, you’re unable to respond to your deepest calling. And life is calling, whether you hear the ringing or not. The question is, will you answer it or let it go to voicemail – where it will get the message ‘mailbox full!’  In today’s podcast, you’ll discover what the Urgency of Emergence is and why you must deal with it before it becomes an emergency. Because the fact is, life is progressive; there is an evolutionary impulse sweeping the planet, and your only choice is whether you will go willingly with it…or be dragged kicking and screaming! If you want to choose the first option, listen in to this training and lay the foundation for a life of conscious co-creation with the powerful Law of Emergence within!  

  • How to Get Back All You've Lost

    14/10/2014 Duración: 56min

    What if everything you think you’ve lost is actually still here, waiting for you to reclaim it? What if all the pain you’ve been through has been growing gifts and powers that will emerge when you know how to unlock them?    Your persistent problems are not a sign that you’re broken, they’re a clue that a larger life is trying to emerge. It may seem impossible now, but remember everything we take for granted today was once believed impossible…and everything we believe is impossible today will someday be inevitable.

  • Stop Lying to Yourself

    07/10/2014 Duración: 43min

    Cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings and begin living The Best Year of Your Life!

  • Stop, Look, and Listen: the Master Path to Success

    30/09/2014 Duración: 31min

    Stop, Look, and Listen: the Master Path to Success Did you know that every problem comes from the same source -- and so does every solution? Did you know that most self-improvement strategies teach you how to handle these problems backwards? Fortunately, the great Masters have left a blueprint for how to really heal, become free, and create a life of true fulfillment – no matter what conditions we face. And when we practice this, we discover what’s really going on and how to take our life to the next level. Nothing can sabotage our success when we understand this ancient practice. Listen to “Stop, Look, and Listen: the Master Path to Success,” and step back into your power today!

  • Take Off the Training Wheels!

    23/09/2014 Duración: 35min

    Take Off the Training Wheels! Just as some plants need a structure to help them grow, we also need support to ensure we grow straight and don't fall over. This could be parents, friends, partners, healers, and even our savings account! But if we aren't willing to let them go and learn to lean on an inner support and balance, the very things that helped us grow, will become the things that stop us.    Training wheels are a great way to learn how to ride a bike, but you can't go fast, go far, or do wheelies with them! Today’s podcast shows you how to let go of all the unconscious structures that have been holding you back, so you can ride like the wind, live like a winner, and reach places you never thought possible. Listen to “Take Off the Training Wheels!” and find that inner balance that makes you unstoppable!

  • The Greatest Love of All: The Secret to Empowerment in Every Relationship

    16/09/2014 Duración: 42min

    The Greatest Love of All What’s really going on in our relationships when we go deeper and “intimacy” becomes trying to “fix” each other? It’s a secret gate we all must pass through as we grow spiritually. To grow, we must confront an existential realization of aloneness, which, for our ego, is very painful. And so, instead, we project this pain onto each other in a “shadow dance” that seeks validation, approval and love. In this week’s episode, you’ll discover how to pass beyond the gatekeeper, to release that painful loneliness and move to the next level in all your relationships - including the one with yourself.

  • Seven Steps to a Powerful Plan

    09/09/2014 Duración: 45min

    Seven Steps to a Powerful Plan …moments from now, discover exactly how miracles REALLY happen in your life … Get ready to mark your calendar and schedule the date for your dream to come true! Literally the step-by-step process to CREATE and STEP INTO not only a new month, quarter, or year …but also a new YOU… As the saying goes, “a failure to plan is a plan to fail.” Furthermore, a vision without a plan is just fantasy. But how do we plan to make what we want actually happen? Merely stating what we want and then counting on a miracle to make it happen will not only NOT get you to your goal, it can actually create failure by pulling your focus into unconscious shadows and coping strategies. You must plan your life as if YOU are doing the work, then live your life as if God (or Universal Intelligence) is. This week's episode shows you the simple but powerful process to avoid this pitfall and live a life of continuous growth, expansion, and success.  Listen to “Seven Steps to a Powerful Plan,” so that you can be

  • Letting Go: The Path to Having it All

    02/09/2014 Duración: 36min

    Cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings -- and begin living The Best Year of Your Life! 

  • The Blessing in Your Curses: Making Everything Work for You

    26/08/2014 Duración: 31min

    The Blessing in Your Curses: Making Everything Work for YouCutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies for living the Best Year of Your Life! World's #1 expert on the Law of Emergence reveals ancient secrets and quantum healing practice that have helped hundreds of thousands end the struggle of self-improvement, find their life purpose, achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.Join the many listeners who have had instantaneous breakthroughs and healings and begin living The Best Year of Your Life! 

  • Completing the Past So You Can Have a Future

    19/08/2014 Duración: 40min

    DEBT-FREE TODAY: Discover how you can CLOSE OFF your old energetic books and FREE yourself to EXPAND INTO your biggest life today and every day! How often do you notice yourself thinking or saying, “I just don’t have enough energy…”? You used to bounce out of bed, play and create all day, dreaming about the future and making it happen! Where did that energy go? Today’s podcast episode has the answer. You’ll discover how you’ve been financing your past pain and robbing yourself of the present energy you need to heal and create the life of your dreams. This could be a game-changer! Listen to “Completing the Past So You Can Have a Future,” to close off your energetic books so you can have access to your full “energetic currency” today!

  • Face Your Fear and Find a Way

    12/08/2014 Duración: 49min

    Here it is: the great secret to goal achievement taught by true masters. How to Face Your Fear and Find a Way, today! You’ve waited long enough …the key to getting ANYTHING YOU WANT Fewer than 3% of us have clear goals, and even fewer of us achieve them. What is it that makes it so hard to get what we want? When David decided he would slay Goliath, even before he stepped on the battlefield, Goliath was already toast. It was his moment of commitment that held the greatest power. But most of us wait for ‘evidence’ before we commit. And most of us look for reasons why it’s not possible in an unconscious attempt to talk ourselves out of it!   Today’s podcast on how to “Face Your Fear and Find a Way” explores the secrets to achieving what you were born to achieve, the way the great masters have revealed, but which has often been missed or misinterpreted. Listen in and take your life to the next level TODAY!

  • Your Habits Determine Your Destiny

    05/08/2014 Duración: 38min

    Pull back the curtain and see what’s REALLY controlling your fate …so you can take back your power and realize your destiny of total fulfillment - TODAY! Most of us are under a hypnotic spell that says we have to be REALISTIC – we’re limited by our circumstances, stuck with the cards fate has dealt us, and must suffer the effects of our karma, astrology, numerology,  and every other ‘ology.’ But none of these have any power over you -- no, not even Mercury in Retrograde can determine your experience! Stop being a victim of the stars and claim your own stardom in the story of your life! Today’s podcast pulls back the curtain on what’s REALLY creating your fate and determining your destiny – and it’s both more simple and profound than you can imagine. Listen to “Your Habits Determine Your Destiny” to discover the powerful secret to true success…

  • Ask, Listen, Act

    29/07/2014 Duración: 16min

    There’s nothing more important than having clarity on your vision and purpose – because if you don’t know where you’re going, every road will take you there. As it says in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It didn’t say the people ‘have a bad day.’ It says they die. And if not literally, they become part of the walking dead, living lives of quiet desperation and tolerated mediocrity. Not you, not here, not anymore! Today’s podcast will show you how to move beyond the vague self-help jargon that tricks you into thinking you’re creating change when you’re really staying stuck – and instead tap into the powerful inner guidance that will fulfill your destiny! Listen to “Ask, Listen, Act” and discover the direct way to getting REAL guidance that will transform your life…

  • Ask Derek Episode 5: Why Things Get Worse

    25/07/2014 Duración: 33min

    In this episode, Derek explores the dilemma that we face when we've been doing all the 'right things,' but everything seems to be going wrong. Why is it that, sometimes, the more we work on ourselves and our life, the worse things get?  The key is understanding a powerful principle that is often misunderstood -- or just missed all together. And it is the #1 reason things get worse the more we 'work on ourselves.'  If you're struggling, feeling stuck, in pain, there is nothing more important than applying the principle in this podcast. And Derek shows you how, step-by-step. Listen and be inspired!

  • Behold, Be Held, Be Whole: How to Activate True Healing and Abundance

    22/07/2014 Duración: 34min

    What if you could lean back into something that would hold, lift and support you throughout every moment of your life? What if everything in the universe was conspiring for your freedom and fulfillment? How would you feel? How would you hold yourself? What might you do?  If you could see the way things really are, and who you really are, you would fall to your knees and not only worship the ground you walk on – but worship the God of your own being! And in today’s podcast, you’ll learn the three key steps to creating miracles in your life.  Listen to “Behold, Be Held, Be Whole: How to Activate True Healing and Abundance” and discover how truly simple it is to let that wholeness naturally unfold. 

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