Do Over

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 77:43:36
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Matt “the Do Over Guy” Theriault is an entrepreneur, author and success coach who shows people how to start over and begin a new life setting goals and objectives so they can create wealth and live life to the fullest.Inspiration, motivation, personal development and self-help without the "rah rah" in the spirit of Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Jillian Michaels, Jack Canfield and Zig Ziglar... and the Law of Attraction is discussed frequently.During a time where countless people, businesses and organizations urgently need to start over, and in a world where the big no longer beats the weak, but rather the fast beats the slow, traditional goal setting and planning are not enough. Something extra is needed today to get from where you are to where you want to be. The "new" achievers are doing it with greater ease and speed than ever, and you deserve to know how you can, too.Weekly, Matt and his inspiring network share "rise and fall, and rise again" stories along with the new secrets of success while imparting inspiration and motivation. Learn why your "Do Over" will work now when it didn't work then by implementing the ignored, underestimated and unknown steps to producing results.Say, "Hello!" to Your Do Over.


  • DO 025 : Four Money Lessons You Were Never Going to Learn... Until Now.

    03/05/2011 Duración: 32min

    Most of what we know about money was passed on to us from our parents. If you didn't luck up into a wealthy family, there are certain lessons about money you would probably never learn unless you actually sought out the answers yourself. It's not your parents' fault, however, they simply taught you what their parents taught them. The past is the past, but the future is yet to come... the question being, "What will you teach your kids?" One thing is for sure, if these four money lessons were taught in our senior year in high school, many of our lives (not to mention the world) would appear quite differently today. Enjoy! Get The 3 Pillars of Creating the Ultimate "Do Over" at

  • DO 024 : 5 Steps to Turning Your Vision into a Profitable Venture

    27/04/2011 Duración: 22min

    The Small Business Association states that 9 out 10 business fail inside of 5 years, but what they note as a powerful tip to be that 1 out of 10 that survives is to pursue your passion. It is the vision for your passion that will natuarally motivate you and assist you to persist through the trials and errors that accompany any business start-up. The "Do Over Guy" shares the 5 steps (among other invaluable tips) to turn your vision into a profitable venture.

  • DO 023 : How to Be an Overnight Success!

    26/04/2011 Duración: 21min

    You've heard of them, but do they really exist? The subject of an "overnight success" has been tossed around with the likes of Big Foot, Space Aliens and the Loch Ness Monster. Learn the two strategies that you can insert into your life's plan that will create quantum leaps in your progress and just quite possibly turn YOU into an "overnight success."

  • DO 022 : The Strangest Secret

    19/04/2011 Duración: 47min

    If you are what you think about most of the time, you must not allow your thoughts to chance. You must intentionally control your thoughts. On this episode, Matt "the Do Over Guy" shares a four step process used by the world's most successful men and women use to focus their thoughts creating a productive day... every day! Ultimately, they create a productive and fulfilling life. Additionally, Matt introduces you to the Godfather of Personal Development and his landmark presentation.

  • DO 021 : How Michael Jordan Can Help You With Your Do Over?

    13/04/2011 Duración: 32min

    There is only one thing that stands between you and where you want to be. Once acknowledged and dealt with, the world will be yours. You will be able to simply set your eyes on who you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to have, and it will be yours. Every successful person knows this secret to success, and I can't think of any better person to learn this secret from than Michael Jordan... arguably (but there's really not that much to argue) the greatest basketball player of all time.

  • DO 020 : What Happened to the Law of Attraction? Does It Even Work?

    05/04/2011 Duración: 20min

    Does the Law of Attraction still work, or was it just a passing fad? Who is at the center of determining what your life becomes? Is there a new "secret" that has taken its place? Find out as "the Do Over Guy" gives it to you straight! Download The 3 Pillars of Creating the Ultimate "Do Over" at

  • DO 019 : Warren Buffett's 10 Tips for Getting Rich

    01/04/2011 Duración: 21min

    Warren Buffett's, the world's most lovable billionaire, 10 Tips for Getting Rich worked for him... why wouldn't they work for you? Get The 3 Pillars of Creating the Ultimate "Do Over" at

  • DO 018 : 7 Ways to Create Enthusiasm When You Don't Feel Enthusiastic

    24/03/2011 Duración: 33min

    If knowledge is power then enthusiasm is the switch. Enthusiasm isn't just more fun, it's more attractive and produces better results. The Do Over Guy reveals 7 ways to create enthusiasm even when you don't feel like being enthusiastic. In closing, this life-changing episode is wrapped up as Matt shares what everyone ought to know about themselves, but tragically most will never learn. Get The 3 Pillars of Creating the Ultimate "Do Over" at

  • DO 017 : Why Your “To Do” List Isn’t Working

    20/03/2011 Duración: 32min

    Everybody loves crossing things off their “to do” list, but does yours really get anything done? The Do Over Guy shows you how to transform your “to do” list into a super-charged goal achieving tool. In closing this episode, the Do Over Guy explains how the successful people of the world got to be, and continue to be, successful. Discover what they are using that you are not, but that you can. As the saying goes… if you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!

  • DO 016 : 7 Steps to Getting What You Want

    15/03/2011 Duración: 30min

    If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. However, if you do know where you are going, you believe you can make it and you're committed to doing what it takes, the Do Over Guy has for you the 7 steps that will reveal the road to your "do over" almost like magic. By the way, struggle is optional. The world is conspiring in your favor.

  • DO 015 : Bridging the Gap Between Dreams and Reality

    08/03/2011 Duración: 14min

    Getting from where you are to where you want to be can be daunting, or seem downright impossible. Ironically, what appears to be an impassible chasm for one person can appear to be little more than a crack in the sidewalk for another… and vice versa. For the most part, it is not because to what we aspire is out of our reach that we do not commit, it is because we do not commit that it is out of our reach. There’s one decision to make, that once made… dreams disappear for they are no longer dreams, they are now reality.

  • DO 014 : Just Dreams? Or Reality Waiting to Happen? That is the Question.

    02/03/2011 Duración: 26min

    What gets you out of bed in the morning? Do you get up because you have to, or because you want to? Imagine a life as if every day was the first day of Summer vacation! Who would you be? What would you do? What would you have? A life of no limits is yours for the taking, and in this episode Matt reveals how your dreams are mere reality waiting to happen.

  • DO 013 : How to Turn Your Life Around in an Instant

    26/02/2011 Duración: 22min

    When faced with adversity, how do you respond? What is your pattern of action? Are you even aware of what it is? Are you even aware that you have one? Whether you are aware or not, you have a pattern that dictates what happens next. In this episode, Matt shows you how to shift your focus, take control of this pattern and turn your life around in an instant so that you're always getting closer to your goals.

  • DO 012 : How to Succeed... Even if You Don't Deserve It, Have No Talent or No Hope

    10/02/2011 Duración: 24min

    It's probably safe to say that everybody wants to be successful at something. The first question is, how successful do you want to be? The second question is, how do you succeed if you don't deserve it, you have no talent, you seemed to have tried everything and have lost all hope? Matt "the Do Over Guy" addresses an invisible barrier that afflicts a great deal of the population, if not everybody. Awareness is the first step to recovery. If you don't know what it is, how can you manage it? Once revealed, it can disappear and the sky is the limit!

  • DO 011 : 5 "Realistic" Methods of Producing Passive Income

    02/02/2011 Duración: 33min

    Although producing "passive income" is not a get-rich-quick idea, it is probably the quickest and surest path for the average person to attain financial independence and freedom. There are several methods and strategies of producing passive income. Unfortunately, many are not realistic for the average person. With the advancement of technology and the Internet, however, producing passive income is more accessible and easier than it has ever been. On this episode of Your Do Over, Matt shares the 5 "Realistic" Methods of Producing Passive Income that he's incorporating into his own "Do Over," but more importantly... he shares how you can do the same.

  • DO 010 : Live Life to the Fullest, The 7 Money Rules of Billionaires

    18/01/2011 Duración: 25min

    Goals, dreams, hopes and desires are expressed in countless ways by countless people, but what they all typically have in common is that they are expressions of living life to the fullest. To "live life to the fullest" appears differently for everybody. Whatever it is for you, are you doing it? When would "now" be the best time to start? Matt "the Do Over Guy" shares a unique insight that will inspire and motivate you to take action NOW! Closing the show, Matt reveals and comments on The 7 Money Rules of Billionaires as expressed by the Forbes Family Trust. If becoming a "billionaire" is at the center of your "Do Over," you can't afford to miss this episode. If you want to play the game, you've got to know the rules. Success leaves clues!

  • DO 009 : The ABCs of Success, Justin Yates, Og Mandino

    04/01/2011 Duración: 53min

    "How to start over?" is a common question this time of year for many people, and setting goals and objectives is a common activity for even more. Matt, the "Do Over" Guy, is just the success coach to show you how to get from where you are to where you want to be as he kicks off the new year with the ABCs of Success, multi-million dollar network marketer Justin Yates and new access to your ultimate levels of achievement with Og Mandino. From simple tips for a happy life to living life to the fullest... say, "Hello!" to YOUR Do Over.

  • DO 008 : Creating Wealth, the Easier, Faster and Smarter Way!

    17/12/2010 Duración: 35min

    Creating wealth, once one learns how, is surprisingly simple for most people. The challenge for so many in pursuit of financial freedom is that they've never been taught how to create it, grow it or keep it. Years and years of negative money conditioning shows up as secondary challenge for most people, as well. We've all learned how to do something whether it's tying our shoes, riding a bike, throwing a ball or driving a car; and most of us can do those things with our eyes shut and one armed tied behind our backs. Learning to create wealth is no different. It is a skill that can be learned like any other, and one that can also essentially be done with your eyes shut and one arm tied behind your back :-) On this episode of Your Do Over, Matt lays the foundation for successful wealth creation and demonstrates how simple it can be to accomplish with just a few minor tweaks.

  • DO 007 : Ten Mistakes Self-Employed Rookies Make

    11/12/2010 Duración: 33min

    Is becoming your own boss the strategy you've chosen to begin a new life? It's a very popular way of how to start over. However, the self-employed world is not without its challenges. Avoid these 10 mistakes self-employed rookies make and you can virtually eliminate those challenges.

  • DO 006 : Five Reasons You Might Not Want to Be Your Own Boss

    06/12/2010 Duración: 22min

    Joining the ranks of the self-employed, the world of entrepreneurship and going into business for yourself aren't the bowls of cherries late-night T.V. and the Internet are wanting you to believe they are. "Time freedom" and "money freedom" are the rewards of "being your own boss" done right, yet they come with a price. Commitment, discipline, hard work and perseverance are the only currencies accepted. Are you prepared to pay it? If you're pursuing your passion and you've given serious consideration to these five reasons why you might not want to be your own boss, you've got a shot. If not, think twice before quitting the "day job."

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