Primal Blueprint Podcast



The Primal Blueprint Podcast - On how to be healthy, strong, fit, happy and productive with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice as possible. With Mark Sisson and guests.


  • Jake Steiner: Curing Your Myopia With A Graceful, Gradual And Natural Approach

    19/05/2021 Duración: 57min

    Host Brad Kearns welcomes Jake Steiner to discuss the amazing world of correcting your eyesight gradually and naturally over time. Jake is the founder of, which offers extensive scientifically validated education on how myopia is not a genetic condition, but rather a problem driven by excessive use of close up screens causing spasms in the ciliary muscle in the eye that affects your ability to focus well on distant objects. Jake describes how wearing glasses is a "subscription, not a prescription" and a sure path to progressively declining vision over time. However poor your eyesight is right now, you can take some simple steps to introduce what Jake calls, "a little bit of blur" into your life and use glasses on an as-needed basis rather than a habitual crutch. Challenging your eyes in a gentle manner will retrain your eye muscles more effectively and allow you to make steady progress toward lenses of less and less correction over time. Jake was at minus 5 diopters and no longer needs glasses,

  • Vanessa Lambert

    17/05/2021 Duración: 43min

    Elle Russ chats with Vanessa Lambert - a champion of movement and mindfulness. Vanessa co-founded Bee The Wellness in 2012 with her husband, Adam to activate a meaningful life full of connection, wellness, and adventure. By helping clients gain mastery over their physiology and mindset through coaching, courses, and retreats, Vanessa is living her purpose and thriving in her zone of genius.  She honed her physical prowess under the tutelage of celebrated ancestral health pioneers, Robb Wolf and Mark Sisson, and sharpened her mental mastery in 2008  by becoming a Certified Spiritual Counselor. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and Akashic Records Intuitive Reader & teacher. Vanessa fuses her distinguished knowledge of health, diet, and fitness, with her expertise in spiritual life mastery for a 360-degree experience in holistic life coaching.  Vanessa is the chief curator of award-winning Bee The Wellness events and retreats. Built to expand people’s lives, she designs amazing adventures that as

  • Dave McKeown

    12/05/2021 Duración: 50min

    Host Brad Kearns welcomes Dave McKeown to discuss the subject of leadership with a fresh and extremely compelling twist. If you are a leader in the workplace or even a household, these insights will be very helpful and memorable. Dave is the author of the book, The Self-Evolved Leader: Elevate Your Focus And Develop Your People In A World That Refuses To Slow Down.    You'll learn to evolve from our typical approach to "heroic leadership" to become a self-evolved leader, where you focus on helping each member of the team become the best version of themselves--including you in the leadership position. These concepts are especially important today when leaders have more potential than ever for distraction, reduced focus on big picture goals, and easy access to data to micromanage and become frazzled. To learn more about Dave, visit This book is ideal for any leader looking to: Stop working in the weeds and think more strategically Build empowerment deep in their team Free up their headspace

  • Dr. Jason Fung, MD

    10/05/2021 Duración: 44min

      Elle Russ chats with Dr. Jason Fung - a physician (kidney specialist), researcher and New York Times best-selling author currently practicing in Toronto, Canada. trained in Los Angeles and Toronto and currently practices as a nephrologist (kidney specialist). His books, including The Obesity Code, The Complete Guide to Fasting, The Diabetes Code and The Cancer Code have challenged conventional thinking about these diseases, and introduces dietary strategies to manage them. He is the co-founder of The Fasting Method - which provides the education, tools and community needed to successfully implement intermittent fasting.  

  • Dr. Anthony Balduzzi - The Fit Father Project

    05/05/2021 Duración: 45min

    Host Brad Kearns welcomes Dr. Anthony to discuss his thriving community dedicated to supporting the health of busy fathers over age 40 who want to reduce excess body fat, age gracefully, and minimize disease risk factors. Anthony's father died at 42, creating a lifelong inspiration for Anthony to promote health and wellness and help fathers avoid the common downward spiral into decline and disease driven by overworking and unhealthy lifestyle habits. His program has helped over 26,000 men lose weight, build muscle, and get healthy for themselves & their families. You'll hear details of Anthony's incredible simple approach, which entails creating a mission statement so you will fully buy into the importance of healthy habits; creating a systemized eating strategy with go-to meals, so you don't have to apply creativity, will power or suffer from decision fatigue; and to conduct simple, time-efficient workouts--no fancy equipment or venue needed. Check out and the popular Fit Father Proj

  • Autumn Fladmo Smith

    03/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Elle Russ chats with Autumn Fladmo Smith - the co-founder of Paleovalley and Wild Pastures. She holds a Masters in Holistic Nutrition, a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, and a Certified FDN Practitioner. Her passion for health began with her own struggles with IBS and anxiety: despite a career as a professional dancer and celebrity fitness trainer, Autumn’s own health was in shambles. Desperate for a cure, she and her husband Chas stumbled upon the paleo diet in 2011 and within a month of beginning it, her health was completely transformed. Autumn then made it her mission to share the information she had learned with as many people as possible: she is the co-founder of Paleovalley, an organic whole-food supplement and paleo snack food company that prioritizes nutrient density and food quality. In 2018, she took things a step further and launched her second business with her husband: Wild Pastures, a regenerative pasture-based meat delivery service. Wild Pastures makes supporting sustainable agriculture and

  • Luke Tyburski - Chasing Extreme Endurance Goals To Learn About Life Balance

    28/04/2021 Duración: 01h11min

    Host Brad Kearns welcomes former pro soccer player turned extreme endurance athlete turned mental training coach Luke Tyburski to talk about his remarkable journey in pursuit of the limits of human endurance performance and the profound ups and downs and life-altering lessons Luke has experienced along the way.  After playing soccer at a high level in Australia and the USA, Luke plunged headlong into ultraendurance, with his first-ever running race the epic Marathon des Sables--a legendary six-day slog through the sandy Sahara Desert covering 155 miles over six days. Luke also ran 40 miles from Mt Everest base camp into Nepal despite an intestinal ailment that prevented him from eating or drinking anything for four days prior. He created his own 12-day "Ultimate Triathlon"," swimming the Gibraltar Strait (Spain to Morocco) and pedaling and running along the Mediterranean for 2,000 kilometers total. Check out the Amazon Prime documentary "The Ultimate Triathlon." Alas, these extreme efforts (and the grueling

  • Brad Kearns

    26/04/2021 Duración: 52min

    Elle Russ chats with New York Times Bestselling author Brad Kearns about the new book he co-authored with Mark Sisson: Two Meals A Day: The Simple, Sustainable Strategy to Lose Fat, Reverse Aging & Break Free From Diet Frustration Forever. Brad is an expert in ancestral/primal/paleo health, keto, and endurance training. Brad is also the host of the B.Rad podcast!

  • Dr. Brett Hill - Building Resiliency From Rock Bottom

    21/04/2021 Duración: 57min

    Host Brad Kearns talks to Dr. Brett Hill, a chiropractor in Adelaide, Australia about the importance of building resiliency, especially in light of the major lifestyle upheavals in 2020. Brett shares a sensitive personal story about hitting bottom several years ago and rethinking the direction of his life and his mindset. Brett describes in detail how to transform from a state of fear, anxiousness, and hopelessness into resilience and vitality. His book is cleverly titled, Rock Bottom, which describes not only the suffering of life but also a place to build a found foundation to grow and thrive from! During the show, Brett talks us through eight distinct steps to building resilience. Start with cultivating self-love, then discover your “why”, then cultivate curiosity and personal honesty. Then release your attachment to expectations, regain control of your life, take action, and don’t forget the importance of believing in miracles. Learn more about Brett and gain access to free mentoring at

  • Zach Schleien

    20/04/2021 Duración: 17min

    Elle Russ chats with Zach Schleien - the Co-founder/CEO of the video speed dating app, Filter Off. Filter Off has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, BBC, and hit #1 on ProductHunt. Previously he ran and sold the dating blog Top Romp, which covered dating hacks and apps for the modern dater. Zach has created FREE virtual US-based and global-based paleo & keto online dating events for the ancestral community. He is a TEDx speaker and his passions lie in technology, health, and creating authentic connections. When he is not working, Zach loves to travel the world, eat Keto, and workout.    

  • Joe Cohen - Genetic Testing To Optimize Health

    14/04/2021 Duración: 50min

    Host Brad Kearns talks to Joe Cohen, the founder of SelfDecode, a genetic testing service that gives customers personalized health recommendations based on their genes. Great advancements have been made with genetic testing in recent years, and running your genetic profile once allows you to apply future research advancements to your unchanging genetic profile and learn further insights. Joe describes how genetic testing can help you make the best decisions for exercise, eating, mood stability, and sleeping habits. It's important to acknowledge that self optimization should always be centered on testing, evaluating, and retesting, but knowing what direction to head with a genetic road map can be extremely valuable. For example, athletes can learn valuable insights about the antioxidant needs, methylation abilities, and muscle fiber composition to help design a training plan that they will respond to successfully. For example, Brad mentions his DNAFit report that revealed a ratio of 54% strength/power

  • Terri Cole

    12/04/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    Elle Russ chats with Terri Cole - a New York-based, licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert and author of Boundary Boss: The Essential guide to Talk, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free. She is the founder of Real Love Revolution. Boundary Bootcamp, and the co-founder of Crushing Codependency, her female empowerment courses reach women in over 90 countries. She has been featured as an expert therapist and master life coach on A&E’s Monster In-Laws, TED X, The Lisa Oz Show, Real Housewives and had a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio. Plus, a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, Positively Positive, The Daily Love, Well+Good, and has been featured in Italian Elle, Forbes, Origin, Vogue, Self and was honored to grace the cover of Inspired Coach magazine. Learn more about her work at

  • Dr. Greg Kelly - Circadian Strategies for Longevity and Fat Loss

    07/04/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Host Brad Kearns welcomes Dr. Greg Kelly, a naturopathic doctor, and expert in nutrition and anti-aging. Dr. Greg is the founder of Neurohacker Collective. In this episode, you'll learn about some cutting-edge longevity research to target senescent cells and help repair them before they become cancerous. Supplements like the popular anti-inflammatory quercetin and mushroom extracts have been proven effective, as has daily time-restricted feeding and occasional longer fasting periods. Dr. Kelly also discusses how important circadian rhythm is to health and longevity, and some ideas for how to optimize the various hormonal and metabolic functions that are tied to circadian rhythm. Hint: Don't eat after 10 pm, because your stomach starts to produce high levels of acid to detoxify what is supposed to be an empty stomach. Regarding weight loss, Dr. Kelly provides a memorable insight about crash dieting, where the body reacts with a "body fat overshoot" aka "diet-induced lipolysis" to gain weight back quickly and

  • Dr. Caroline Leaf

    05/04/2021 Duración: 49min

    Elle Russ chats with Dr. Caroline Leaf - a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. She has a new book out: Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess.  Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. Dr. Leaf is also the bestselling author of Switch on Your Brain, Think Learn Succeed, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and many more. 

  • Dr. Paul Saladino: The Compelling Case For Carnivore

    31/03/2021 Duración: 01h06min

    Host Brad Kearns goes deep into the fascinating world of the nose-to-tail carnivore diet with leading expert Dr. Paul Saladino. If you’ve heard of this emerging dietary strategy and don’t know what to think, Dr. Paul presents an extremely compelling and scientifically validated case for emphasizing nutrient-dense animal foods in your diet. Regarding the plant foods that we have long been told to make a dietary centerpiece, Dr. Paul proposes that the natural toxins contained in all plants may be compromising your health without you knowing it. If you have any form of nagging autoimmune or inflammatory conditions that aren’t responding to traditional treatment, consider a test period of exclusion of all plant foods to give your digestive system and potential leaky gut condition and chance to heal. Dr. Paul is the author of the bestseller The Carnivore Code. Learn more at  

  • Dr. Uma Naidoo MD

    29/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    Elle Russ chats with Dr. Uma Naidoo MD - an awarded board-certified psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, professional chef, nutrition specialist and author of the recently released This is Your Brain on Food: An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods that Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD and More. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Harvard Health Press, goop, and many others, Dr. Uma Naidoo has a special interest on the impact of food on mood and other mental health conditions. In her role as a Clinical Scientist, she founded and directs the first hospital-based clinical service in Nutritional Psychiatry in the United States. She is the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and Director of Nutritional Psychiatry at the Massachusetts General Hospital Academy while serving on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. Having been recognized as the first U.S. Nutritional Psychiatrist, Dr. Uma was also commissioned to pen the textbook for the

  • Mark Sisson On Eating And Exercising To Promote Longevity And Avoid Disease, Going With The Flow, And Picking Your Battles

    24/03/2021 Duración: 51min

    Host Brad Kearns talks with Mark Sisson about the latest trends and breaking science in the world of health, fitness, and longevity. The discussion includes: evolved view of insulin resistance that emphasizes the damage to fat metabolism and metabolic function caused by industrial seed oils; striking a healthy balance between longevity and striving for the six-pack; de-emphasizing straight cardio for a broad-based workout protocol that emphasizes maintaining muscle mass and avoiding overtraining patterns; the psychological benefits of cold exposure that help you appreciate the present and live without judgment; and balancing a relaxed, gratitude-oriented mindset with pursuing peak performance in competitive business and life settings by picking your battles. This is a great show to find out what Mark’s been up to lately and how he has changed his perspective and approach in recent times with diet, fitness regimen, and mindset. 

  • Wade Lightheart & Matt Gallant

    22/03/2021 Duración: 50min

    Elle Russ chats with Wade Lightheart and Matt Gallant. Matt and Wade are co-founders of BIOptimizers. Matt Gallant was a strength and conditioning coach for multiple pro-athletes, a self-defense instructor, and has over 10 years experience formulating supplements. Wade Lightheart is an aauthor, athlete, nutritionist and expert on fixing digestion, and he is also a 3-Time Canadian national All Natural Bodybuilding Champion who competed as a vegetarian.  Wade is also a former Mr. Universe Competitor and the host of The Awesome Health podcast.

  • Ryan Baxter: Nose Breathing To Improve Oxygen Delivery And Reduce Workout Stress

    17/03/2021 Duración: 57min

    Host Brad Kearns welcomes Primal Health Coach Ryan Baxter to the show to discuss the importance of intentional breathing as it relates to minimizing workout (and life) stress and optimizing fat burning. Ryan discusses the important role breathing plays in whether we burn carbs or fat during aerobic workouts. Beyond the need to observe the “180 minus age” in heartbeats per minute, the efficiency of our delivery of oxygen to working muscles is also relevant. Ryan explains how improving our CO2 tolerance can improve oxygen delivery, making workouts less stressful and improving performance. The less CO2 you can tolerate the quicker you are going to want to exhale it from your body—that’s why we default to shallow, panting, inefficient breaths - not only during workouts but also at rest. This stimulates sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system function while nose breathing stimulates parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system function. The greater you can tolerate C02 the slower you will be able to exhal

  • Dr. Al Danenberg

    15/03/2021 Duración: 51min

    Elle Russ chats with fellow Primal Health Coach Dr. Al Danenberg, who goes by “Dr. Al”. He is a periodontist and was in private practice for 44 years. He incorporated ancestral nutrition & lifestyle with his leading-edge laser protocol to treat periodontal disease. Dr. Al consults with patients all over the world (virtually via Zoom or Skype) regarding animal-based nutrition, lifestyle, oral & overall health, and the importance of a healthy gut and immune system. He also includes his Unconventional Cancer Protocols since he was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer in September 2018 and was given only 3-6 months to live. Dr. Al rejected all chemotherapy and is thriving today.   In June 2014, Dr. Al received the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) designation as well as the certification as a Primal Health Coach. In 2015, he was appointed to the faculty of the College of Integrative Medicine and created the college’s integrative periodontal teaching module.  In April 2017, Dr. Al ea

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