Seanwes Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 523:42:34
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Build and grow a sustainable business. From products and marketing to professionalism and clients, you’ll get answers to the hard-hitting questions. Join entrepreneurs Sean McCabe and Ben Toalson as they let you inside their discussions on the many facets of making a living online. You’ll come away from every episode with something of value that you can apply to your business. Unlock the full archive with a seanwes membership:


  • 119: How to Get an Extra Day a Week

    17/10/2014 Duración: 01h14min

    Is it actually possible to get an extra day a week? What would that even look like? Imagine going through your entire week, doing all of your work, and having a whole day left over. Think of all the things you could do. You could relax, you could kick back, spend some time with your family, maybe do some cleaning around the house… Heck, maybe you’re hustling right now and thinking of how much more you could accomplish if you had another day just to work on your side project! Focus. “What are you talking about, Sean?” Silence. “Ok, now I’m totally confused.” Those are the two things that most people lack. They don’t have focused work time and they don’t carve out silence and prevent interruptions. If you’re allowing interruptions, you might as well be throwing money out the window. I’m going to tell you the difference between productive people and super productive people. We’re going to look at the way to create focused work time and how to get an extra day a week.

  • 118: The Fear of Losing Everything: Dealing With Stress and Catastrophic Failure

    15/10/2014 Duración: 01h10min

    My website crashed. It crashed hard. Nothing was loading. I had no dashboard access. It gets worse: I should’ve had daily backups, but something was improperly configured and the most recent backup was nearly 3 months ago. I feared the worst. Everything was down. I was getting complaints. My host tried reverting the database only to cause even more problems: orders from the database were getting repeated. Customers were getting charged multiple times. Overdrafts were happening as a result. It wasn’t pretty. In this episode, I tell the story of how I (nearly) lost everything, how I got it back, and what I learned from an experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

  • 117: 62 Topic Ideas So You Never Run Out of Things to Write About

    10/10/2014 Duración: 01h13min

    Uh oh. Your scheduled blog post is due tomorrow and you have no idea what to write about! It’s come down to the wire and you thought your trusty, old procrastination would create the time constraint you needed to crank out something golden in the last minute. It almost always works, but this time it’s not working. This time, you feel stuck. It’s time to podcast and you have no idea what to talk about. But you’re not going to do a disservice to your audience and just turn on the mic and ramble. You’re determined to provide value. You just need a topic! In this episode, I share 62 topics you can write about (or use as fuel for your podcast, videos, etc.). There’s so much to talk about, it’s just hard to remember when you’ve hit a block. We’ll help you get unstuck.

  • 116: How to Find Your Own Unique Voice and Style

    08/10/2014 Duración: 01h04min

    How do you produce work that looks authentic? How do you find a voice that feels like your own? How do you say or create something original without feeling like you copied or ripped off someone else? I break down it down into 3 parts: your actual voice, what you talk about, and how you say it. I talk about finding your unique voice in a written or spoken sense, but then also apply what we uncover to discovering your own artistic style. I conclude with how to be inspired without copying and why you aren’t the one who determines your own style.

  • 115: How to Overcome Self-Doubt, Get Rid of Anxiety, and Stay Focused

    03/10/2014 Duración: 01h04min

    Self-doubt is paralyzing. “Do I have what it takes?” “What if my best isn’t good enough?” “What if I fail?” It’s not just if you’re a beginner either. Even people who are successful struggle with self-doubt regularly. But they have learned how to consistently resolve the feelings of self-doubt or impostor syndrome. We talk about how to overcome feelings of paralysis, what to do to keep self-doubt minimized and less likely to resurface, as well as why the phrase “could be” is keeping you from ever accomplishing anything.

  • 114: When to Increase the Frequency

    01/10/2014 Duración: 07min

    So you’re thinking about publishing more? If you’re like me, it’s fun to entertain the thought of sending more newsletters, doing more artwork, publishing more blog posts, or recording more podcasts. Wouldn’t it be great to be more prolific? Yes, but if you go about it the wrong way, you’ll get yourself into a mess of trouble. Today, I talk about increasing the frequency of your output: how to know the right time, and if you should do it at all.

  • 113: The Importance of Your WHY and How To Get People on Board

    26/09/2014 Duración: 11min

    I’m gonna be switching things up a little bit in this episode. This is one of what I’m calling my mini sabbatical episodes. Today, I want to talk about this idea of the WHY for a moment. What is your WHY? What are you about? Sure, you have certain pursuits you are fond of and things you enjoying doing, but what is your greater purpose?

  • 112: What Is the Perfect Age to Work For Yourself?

    24/09/2014 Duración: 49min

    Too young to be taken seriously? Too old to be relevant? Where does adolescent inexperience meet youthful ambition? Where does late start meet experiential wisdom? I think if you're asking the question, you have what it takes. It definitely takes hard work, but you're not too early and you're not too late. Are you living for 2 weeks out of the year or are you making the 52 worth living?

  • 111: Courting Your Clients and Customers

    19/09/2014 Duración: 01h13min

    We buy from those we trust and we trust those we know. You may have the solution to someone's problem but if someone doesn't know that your solution can be trusted, it's going to be a tough sell. Familiarity is key. You want people to be comfortable with you and you want to make a personal connection. In relational terms you want to court them—flirt with them even! It sounds crazy, but people crave this. We get so caught up in pitching and teaching and providing samples that we forget one of the biggest hooks: story telling. You'll hear more on that analogy (along with riveting story of 3rd Grade Ben & The Note), but I'll also be talking about the 3 modes a client or customer is in. Most people are only reaching customers in 1 or 2 of these modes. Sure, you can still make some sales and land some gigs, but you're missing out on so many opportunities. You'll learn what those are and how to attract people in each one of those modes.

  • 110: Behind the Scenes of seanwes: What It Takes & How Many Hours Sean Works

    17/09/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    You know what’s frustrating? Seeing someone make something hard look easy. What’s worse is when you don’t know that it’s actually hard to do and you think that it should be easy. Then you just end up feeling bad about yourself for not being able to do it. They make it look so effortless. Surely they’re not spending hundreds upon thousands upon tens of thousands of hours working at it. But in fact, they are. The easier they make it look, the harder they’re working. As you read this, no doubt those people are working on their craft. I want to demystify the process for you. I’m going to take you behind the scenes and show you exactly what it takes and all that I’m doing to make everything happen. You’ll witness the things that aren’t normally visible to you. I’m going to get real and I’m going to tell you how many hours I work a week (hint: it’s not a two-digit number). In this episode, I’m also going to be fully honest and tell you that I often forget to eat. Neither of these are things I’m proud of and n

  • 109: Mentorship Meeting with Sean & Ben

    12/09/2014 Duración: 01h09min

    You walk into your favorite coffee shop. It’s a bit early and you’re somewhat groggy. Standing in line, you already know what you’re going to order. It’s the same thing every time. “What can I get started for you?” Startled, you come out of your daze and place an order. Stepping away from the counter, you look around to take in the scene. “Why are people up at this hour anyway?” you wonder. Your thoughts are interrupted. Wait a minute. Is that… is that Sean and Ben?

  • 108: Creating Ambassadors for Your Brand When You’re Not Well Known Yet

    10/09/2014 Duración: 54min

    You're dreaming big. You have huge aspirations for where you want to be, and you have a vision for how to get there. But for as big as your vision is, the results don't seem to be aligning. You feel like you're spinning your wheels. You feel like you're working hard to show up and create content but it doesn't seem to be resonating with anyone. Your audience doesn't seem to be growing very much or even at all. There's a problem here. I'm going to tell you what it is, and I'm going to tell you why you have it. I'll show you how to create insanely loyal followers who will become your personal ambassadors. I'm going to show you the key to your next 10,000 followers. It starts with one person. All you need is one person. You can change someone's entire perception of you with this one, single conversation tactic I'll be sharing in this episode.

  • 107: Why You Need an Accountability Partner & How to Find One

    05/09/2014 Duración: 01h14min

    How do you stay motivated? How do you become the person you want to be? How do you keep commitments to yourself? How can you achieve the kinds of things the people you look up to have achieved? You want all of these things, but you can't seem to stick with something. You want to commit, but every time you try to start something it doesn't really go anywhere and you just give up and move on. These people you look up to seem to be prolific in their output. They’re successful, they’re consistent, and they’re constantly putting things out without fail. If you feel like you’ve wanted to get to this point and you just aren’t there yet, accountability is what is missing. Now the big question: how do you find someone?

  • 106: Get More Done by Working Less

    03/09/2014 Duración: 59min

    Note: This episode happened before I made the decision to start practicing Small Scale Sabbaticals. A few days after this episode was recorded, I decided to take off a week every 7 weeks. It’s interesting to listen back to some of the thoughts that were going through my mind beforehand. Do you feel like you’re making an effort to say no to things, bringing on help, not doing too many things at once, and somehow you’re still overloaded? You’re still exhausted, you still feel like you have no time, and still don’t seem to be getting any more done? It seems like no matter how much I say no and regardless of whether I’m hiring people to help, I somehow don’t end up having more time. What I’ve realized is I consistently tend to ramp up everything until I’m at maximum capacity. I’m bad at slowing down. I’m bad at taking breaks because I fall prey to the idea that they’re unproductive. We talk about why breaks are actually helpful, the two kinds of breaks, the importance of thinking time, being able to take break

  • 105: What if I’m Jack of All Trades and Master of None?

    29/08/2014 Duración: 59min

    Eagerness to do a lot of things at once. It's an ambition many of us struggle with: being good at many things but not perceived as an expert with any one of them. You feel like you're never really able to get traction. Do you often pick up something to learn and end up gaining just enough knowledge to be dangerous? I believe there are two kinds of Jack of All Trades: a permanent Jack of All Trades (you don't want this one!), and an intermittent Jack of All Trades. The latter is a result of the journey to becoming a master—a good thing. I want to talk about how to know the difference so you can determine which one you are. You'll find out if you're on your way to mastery or simply floundering about in the novice world of mediocre proficiency.

  • 104: Become An Expert, Have a Happy Family & Get Your Focus Back

    27/08/2014 Duración: 01h17min

    You have ideas. Great ideas. They come at you all day long but you aren't able to pursue them. You have a task at hand that needs to be done. Maybe it's your day job. Maybe it's a project you're busy working on. You can't engage these ideas because you're supposed to be working, but they keep distracting you! A concept for your painting, a solution to your engineering problem, a way to relate to your students—they're all begging for your attention. We're going to unpack all of this in a DYNAMITE episode. I'm going to tell you the way to get your focus back, show you how to apply that focus to becoming an expert, and explain how to do all of this while having a happy family. A tall order? You bet. Let's dive in.

  • 103: You Are an Independent Marketing Firm

    22/08/2014 Duración: 01h01min

    The playing field has now been leveled. The middlemen are slowly fading away and you no longer have to play by the rules of the gatekeepers in order to reach your audience. However, with the disappearance of the middleman comes many equivalent software replacements. Many platforms are seeking content creators and teachers like yourself to create, sell and teach on their platforms. They bring the appeal of "wider reach" and "large audiences" that you will gain access to. But in exchange for this exposure, there is a very significant downside: lack of control. When you build your own platform, you are the master. You own the domain and you set the rules. This means you can control the pricing, you can control whether or not your products are discounted, and you can design the entire experience. Yes, building your own platform is a lot more difficult, but what does the alternative look like? Is the incentive of exposure enough for you to compromise your control and potentially devalue your products? With

  • 102: Why It May Be the Wrong Time to Pursue Your Passion

    20/08/2014 Duración: 51min

    Last episode, we talked about How to Find Your Passion. This was a very real topic for Ben as he was struggling firsthand with a lot of the things we were discussing. In the days following the recording, Ben reflected on what we talked about and ended up writing an article on his own blog about setting his passion free. He realized that he was trying to solve the wrong problem. He thought the problem was finding his passion. What he ended up concluding was that he had no business trying to find his passion because he did not yet have a stable day job covering his bills. His passion pursuits could not be free because he was using them as a tool to fill in the gaps of his monetary needs. What he needs is a day job that covers 100% of his bills first before he pursues the passion and he only has 50% covered. We talk about the day job a lot in passing, but its importance is often missed. In this episode we talk about the crucial role of a day job as a foundation and define the right kind of day job needed to f

  • 101: How to Find Your Passion

    15/08/2014 Duración: 01h12min

    Finding your passion is no trivial matter. The problem seems to split everyone into two groups: Either you have no idea what you're passionate about, or you have so many things you love you're overwhelmed with possible options! The difficulty comes down to thinking we might be passionate about something when really we just like the IDEA of something. When it comes to the act of DOING it, we often find that we don't enjoy the process. Because passion is found in the doing, exploration is required for discovery. But exploration takes effort and time. Where can you afford to invest time when you don't know if things will pan out? That's what this episode is about: discovering the intersection of your categorical interests. I'm going to throw out a number of questions to help you uncover this and my hope hope is that one or two of them combined may unlock something for you.

  • 100: The $1,000 Giveaway

    13/08/2014 Duración: 01h09min

    Today is a very big day. After 1 year of publishing two podcasts a week, we've made it to the 100th episode of the seanwes podcast. To celebrate, I'll be giving away over $1,000 worth of seanwes products. The giveaway is exclusive to newsletter subscribers. While the giveaway is pretty epic, it's actually only half the surprise. I normally write exhaustive show notes for each episode, but if I did that now, it would spoil 2 other special surprises that happen during the podcast, so you'll have to tune in to find out. I wish I could tell you more about the topic without spoiling the surprises, but I will say this much: the conversation in this particular show is 100% on par with the quality you've come to expect from this podcast. The discussion was very enriching. We touched on a lot of real issues surrounding work, defining overworking, the importance of relationships, and why it's not selfish to put yourself first when it comes to your own happiness and well-being. I guarantee you'll come away with a lo

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