Attention Seekers



Marketing Made Fun for all entrepreneurs who want to get the right attention and bring their business to the next level


  • How to Build a Brand based on Your Business Philosophy

    18/09/2019 Duración: 25min

    Why does it matter to get clarity around your values and philosophy? How can you share your values and philosophy with your audience? What do you need to do build a brand based around that philosophy?  These questions - and many more - will be answered in this episode of Attention Seekers, during which we explore why communicating what we stand for, can actually impact the sales of our business and create a steadier following base on social media.  Got questions? Send them to 

  • How to Get Clients through Emotional Branding

    11/09/2019 Duración: 24min

    Emotions are key when it comes to making more sales. Nowadays, customers are savvier and more aware of different sales techniques, especially in the online space. So what can we do to increase our sales and build a brand without getting sleazy? Tap into the emotional brain of our audience! In this episode of Attention Seeker, we are tackling branding and how the right story and emotional intelligence can help you make more money.   

  • The Simple Way to Build your Visual Brand

    04/09/2019 Duración: 23min

    Logo's, color palettes, icons, avatars, emoji's, images...When we start a business we think we need it all and need it now! But is it really that way? And is it needed to invest thousands of dollars to create a visual brand before even starting our business?  In this episode, we share a few tricks, including our personal shortcuts, to build your visual brand the easy (and cost effective) way. 

  • What the @$!& is Branding?

    28/08/2019 Duración: 17min

    Branding is such a buzzword right now. But what is branding and how can you leverage it in your business?  This month, Attention Seekers is all about branding and the elements that define it. Stick around and throughout the next episodes we'll walk you through an interesting journey covering visuals, brand story, and the importance of sharing with your audience what your brand is about.  Music all graciously created and donated by

  • 5 Proposals Pitfalls you NEED to Avoid

    21/08/2019 Duración: 20min

    Can anyone go wrong when writing proposals? Are there unspoken rules you should follow and mistakes you should avoid?  Yes, Yes and - once more - YES!  In this episode, we share the pitfalls you need to avoid when writing a proposal for a potential client.  Fan of the show? Leave us a review. And if you have a question or a suggestion for the show, send us an e-mail to  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • How to Write a Kick-A$$ Proposal

    14/08/2019 Duración: 21min

    Do you know how to write a proposal? If the answer is no, you're in luck! Nate and Rosie are here to share what to include, ideas on structures to follow and the unspoken rules of smart proposal writing.  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • When Should You Send a Proposal?

    07/08/2019 Duración: 16min

    This month we are tackling Proposals. Are they necessary? When do you really need to send one? Can you still win a client without sending a formal proposal?  Find out what Nate and Rosie got to say!  Fancy the show? Leave us a review :)  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • Why you NEED to Start Writing Proposals

    31/07/2019 Duración: 19min

    Proposals are key when it comes to get new clients. Listen to this episode to find out why!  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • 5 Things you Need to Know before Hiring a Copywriter

    24/07/2019 Duración: 22min

    What do you ask a copywriter before hiring them? What do you need to pay attention to before actually picking the right copywriter for one? In this episode we answer these and many more questions and we share 5 things you need to know before actually hiring  a copywriter.  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • What Everyone Gets Wrong about Copywriters

    17/07/2019 Duración: 20min

    We hear many misconceptions about copywriters; 'copywriters can write anything', 'all content creators can write persuasive material', 'my copywriter should know it all'... but is it really that way? In this episode, we debunk all myths around copywriters and help you choose the right content creator that suits your business.  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • When Should you Invest in a Copywriter?

    10/07/2019 Duración: 20min

    Copywriting and Copywriters are a big mystery to many people starting a new business. What is copywriting and when should you really invest in a copywriter? We tell it all and give you some guidelines to make informed decisions when it comes to put your money into persuasive content!   Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • What is Marketing?!

    03/07/2019 Duración: 20min

    'I don't understand marketing!', how many times have you said or heard this line? We definitely heard it quite a few times throughout our career, so in this episode, we've decided to go back to basics and talk about what Marketing is and explain - in a simple way - how it can serve you and your business.  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • Top 5 Books to Understand Marketing

    26/06/2019 Duración: 20min

    For our 20th episode, we are looking at books that can help you when it comes to Marketing, Sales and Business in general. Curious to see what our top 5 looks like? Take a listen and share with us what your favorite marketing books are!  Got questions or wants to say hello? Send an e-mail to 

  • Here's Why Blogging is the Next Big Thing...Again!

    19/06/2019 Duración: 20min

    Blogging started years ago, and while some thought it was dead, Nate and Rosie are here to tell you that it's more alive than ever before!  In this episode we look at the trends, why blogging is the next big thing and how you should leverage it for your business.  Like this episode? Leave us a review! 

  • Your Social Media Strategy for 2019 Revealed!

    12/06/2019 Duración: 17min

    This week we're showing you the new social media strategy you should implement to find quality leads that will convert. We talk metrics, tactics, content and more. Ready to upgrade your strategy? Take a listen and share with us your thoughts!  Music all graciously created and donated by 

  • Is It Time to Make the Switch to LinkedIn?

    05/06/2019 Duración: 21min

    Is LinkedIn the place to be? More entrepreneurs and businesses are actively using LinkedIn to grow their audience and make sales.  Can LinkedIn help you take your business to the next level? If so, how can you use it and why? In this episode, Nate and Rosie tell it all!  Music all graciously created and donated by

  • The Madness of George Metcalf

    22/05/2019 Duración: 20min

    Question -- What can we learn as business owners and content creators from a university professor?  Answer; a lot of valuable lessons that can help you nail your content marketing!  Take a listen to this episode for some fun stories and 3 key lessons to move your business forward.  Music all graciously created and donated by

  • What an International Translator can Teach us about Effective Content that Sells

    15/05/2019 Duración: 19min

    Attention Seeker's Rosie is a qualified international translator and her experience with different cultures and languages, helped her to become a great persuasive content creator.  In this episode she shares with us few key lessons that can help businesses to communicate effectively and create powerful content that sells.  If you enjoy Attention Seekers, please leave us a review!  Music all graciously created and donated by

  • How to Automate your Business with Content

    08/05/2019 Duración: 19min

    Many see content as a time-consuming marketing activity, but actually content is a valuable tool that can be used not only as a lead generation and marketing tool, but also to automate many of the core activities defining a business.  Listen to this episode to learn more!  Music all graciously created and donated by

  • How to Hire the Perfect Content Creator

    01/05/2019 Duración: 19min

    Hiring someone to take care of your content can be tricky; how do you know they will understand your vision? What do you ask when interviewing them? How do you choose the right person for your business? In this episode we share the best tips to make sure your next content creator is the best one yet!  Like our show? Leave us a review!  Music all graciously created and donated by

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