Leadership Advantedge: Leadership | Influence | Talent | Neuroscience

LA 016: How to Let Go and Gain Control



What helps distinguish leaders and managers is about control and, quite literally, how "hands-on" you are.If you have ever learned to play the game of golf, the chances are that you grip the club tightly.After allthis is basically holding onto a stick that you will swing through the air and hit a ball. Allowing the club to "follow-through' - if you don't hold on tight, the club might just go as far as the ball.I appreciate that you may have never played golf, but you can liken this alsoto the tight grip of the reins of a horseto controlling your dog on a very short leashto holding on tight to your child's hand New golfers have to learn how to 'let go' - to relax their grip. If a tight grip is a ten on a scale, we want a 4 out of 10. The same is true of leadership and the way we hold on to our people. Hold on too tight (micromanage) and people have little freedom to use their own skills and strength. Hold on too tight to the club, and it is the golfer doing all the work.So the question is: "who should be doing