Level E (with Eric Lemay)

We Needed To Run Some Tests and Start the Get the Cobwebs Out...



Todd won't mind me saying this...I just needed content to move on to a new computer, a new portal, and new type of software...and we went to a dive bar and just did an hour-ish of eating, having a couple of beers and talking with the mics out. And it's choppy. But I wanted it done before Christmas so...well, just because. I'm re-learning. He's just learning. And this will probably go away at some point. It's not good. Kind of interesting at points, but, not good. However...I can still figure out how to manage sound with a Zoom H6 in a budy bar...got that going for me. Thing of this episode as a restaurant that starts up after being closed for two years during the pandemic... It's really freakin' hard to make the food the same way as before...and it's going to take a couple of takes.