Audio Book Club

How To!: Forgiveness: An Exploration



TJ has spent years trying to heal herself and put her childhood behind her. Both of her parents struggled with addiction, which made for a very complicated, unstable upbringing. After sacrificing her own childhood to raise her siblings—TJ feels deeply wounded by her mother in particular. She really wants to let it go. The only question is how. On this episode of How To!, we bring on journalist Marina Cantacuzino. Marina is the founder of The Forgiveness Project, a charity that shares stories of victims, survivors, and perpetrators of “crime and conflict who have rebuilt their lives following hurt and trauma.” She’s also the author of a new book called Forgiveness: An Exploration. Marina shares some powerful stories about others who have opened their hearts to forgiveness—even if it took awhile—and began to free themselves from resentment.  If you liked this episode, check out: “How To Forgive the Unforgivable.” Do you have a question without an answer? Send us a note at or leave us a voicema