Unstress With Dr Ron Ehrlich

Dr Shankardev Saraswati: The Importance of Relaxation through Yoga Nidra and Non-Sleep Deep(er) Rest



Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati is a western medical doctor, Yoga Acharya (authority), Yoga Therapist, psychotherapist, author, teacher, and Jyotish astrologer. He uses western mind-body medicine, including medicine, herbs, and supplements, combined with Eastern systems of healing and self-development. Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati’s psychological practice combines Western and Eastern psychotherapy methods, including yoga philosophy, meditation, and other methods of awakening consciousness. The primary aims of therapy are to become more self-aware, autonomous, resilient, empathic, capable of intimacy, and able to journey into the deeper self to discover the hidden strengths, skills and abilities dormant in the unconscious (psyche).   For more on Dr Shankardev Saraswatil, head to his website: https://bigshakti.com/ For more on Yoga Nidra: https://bigshakti.com/shop/guided-meditations/yoga-nidra-sensations-chakra-rotation/   ----    Shownotes are available at Dr Shankardev Saraswati: The Importance of Relaxation