Magamama With Kimberly Ann Johnson: Sex, Birth And Motherhood

EP 175: Astrology, Tech, and Finding our Humanness During these Times with Virginia Rosenberg



In this episode, Kimberly and Virginia discuss the astrological significance of this past decade and the decade to come. They discuss how the increase of technology impacts culture, our nervous systems, and the ways in which we understand and interact relationally. They discuss what it’s like to be entrepreneurs who are creating content on social media, using discernment with social media use, and parenting during the increase of tech, AI, and social media. They also discuss how to return to our humanness, embodied practices for grounding, and finding ancestral practices that have stood the test of time.   Bio Virginia Rosenberg is an Intuitive Astrologer and Movement Artist. Her passion is natural healing of self and society. Virginia believes that we are made to heal, and that healing is a matter of becoming more conscious of and connected to ourselves, each other, and the more-than-human-Worlds. She teaches astrology, qi gong, and various forms of dance, leading retreats, classes, and workshops. Her writin