Jason Hartman Foundation

YW 69 - The War on Millennials with Pete Seat



Pete Seat is the former spokesman for President George W. Bush, U.S. Senator Dan Coats and The Indiana Republican Party. He's now the Senior Project Manager at Hathaway Strategies and Founding Publisher of TheFrontRowSeat.com. He's the author of the new book, "The War on Millennials: Airing Grievances & Offering Solutions Through the Eyes of America's Next Generation of Leaders."   In the past two elections, the millennials voted for Obama. Seat discusses who they will vote for next, given how much Obama has burdened them moving forward.    In his book, "The War on Millennials: Airing Grievances & Offering Solutions Through the Eyes of America's Next Generation of Leaders," Seat wrote his book, "The War on Millennials: Airing Grievances & Offering Solutions Through the Eyes of America's Next Generation of Leaders," from the vantage point of "a spokesperson for American youth.” Seat discusses the disconnect between Washington and the Millennial generation and why the GOP can't attract younger voter