Jason Hartman Foundation

YW 86 - Robert Carr: Why we keep paying for things without using money



In today’s Young Wealth Show, Jason Hartman discusses changing technology and how that’s affecting the way we now pay for things with CEO and Founder of Hartland Payments Systems, Robert Carr. Every aspect of our world seems to be at the hands of scientists and inventors striving to change how we do things, and money and payments are just the latest point of interest.    Key Takeaways 01.38 – With the world being digitalized and modernized, it was only a matter of time before it changed the way we pay for things too. 06.22 – A truly cashless world seems a long way off, but we’re definitely on the road to it. 10.03 – Robert Carr describes the ups and downs experienced by Hartland Payment Systems.  14.30 – It’s amazing when you think how far we’ve come with technological advances, and how far we can still go. 15.50 – PayPal has always been the leading company in this market, but where does it stand now? 18.18 – It’s not just the business side; Robert Carr has made a huge difference to 250 kids’ lives through hi