Battleground Wisconsin

51 is better than 50



We discuss the political implications of Sen. Raphael Warnock’s win in Georgia. What are the new opportunities that a larger Senate majority present? We talk about President Biden’s push to move the first Democratic Presidential primary to South Carolina in 2024. Does it create a more equitable process? What does it say about whether Biden will run for a second term? SCOTUS takes up the Independent Legislature theory and it’s unclear where a majority of the court will land on this controversial case that would put another dagger into democracy. In Wisconsin, the special election for Senate District 8 now has 4 Republicans and 1 Democrat in the race. Is the seat vacated by Alberta Darling in play? We discuss the news this week that Milwaukee and Dane County are being subpoenaed in the DOJ’s false electors investigation against Trump. Robert has some reflections on President Biden’s support for organized labor and we congratulate Citizen Action president Mark Thomsen for winning the Wisconsin Trial Lawyer of th