Cyrus Says

CnB ft. Amit, Ayushi & Navin | Cyrus Meeting Ranbir Kapoor Long back, Vada Pav Prices on the Rise in Mumbai, Sri Lanka Announces the $51 Billion Dollars in Dept & Women has the Right to Sue the Man if he has not Disclosed his Sexuality



On Cock and bull this week, Cyrus is joined by Ayushi Amin, Amit Doshi & our co-host for this week- Navin Noronha. Cyrus reminisces about meeting Ranbir Kapoor back in the day at Red FM and his upcoming wedding to Alia Bhatt. Further, why do people wish 'Happy Good Friday', while actually, the day is a sad day and why it is called Good Friday. Moving on to the topics, they discuss how badly the mid-day article on Vada pav prices is written, them increasing by 3-5 rupees more plus Lemon prices soaring high as well. They also talk about Sri Lanka announcing $51 billion dollars in debt, with Covid and closing of tourism being key reasons, and is one family responsible for what is happening in Sri Lanka. Further, Ayushi tells us about women having the right to sue a man if he has not disclosed his sexuality, what does our panel today have to say about this, and what they feel about whether they consider this emotional cheating or physical cheating, are they the same thing or one is more, equal or less. Tune i