Cyrus Says

This Episode is Euphoric ft. Dr. Palash Sen | Indian Singer, Songwriter, Musician & Composer



On this episode of Cyrus Says, Cyrus is joined by Dr. Palash Sen, Singer, Songwriter, Musician & Composer. Palash is the lead vocalist of India's biggest brand Euphoria and a long time friend of Cyrus'. They reminisce about the many years they've known each other, the massive hit that was 'Maeri' when it came out back in 2000, the impact that had on Euphoria's career, Palash's love for music, the two 'clinics' in his house, how Palash realised his love for music, wanting to pursue a career in music outside of Bollywood, and a whole lot more. Plus, Palash regales us with some grea t off-the-cuff renditions of some of his amazing songs, so don't miss this one.You can follow Dr. Palash Sen on Instagram at @instadhoomYou can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht: send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.comDon't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @cyrus_broacha(