Cyrus Says

CnB ft. Kajol, Amit & Abbas | Legendary singer KK Passes Away & Canada PM freezies handgun ownership



On Cyrus Says today we are joined by Amit Doshi, Kajol Srinivasan and the star for the week Abbas. Cyrus rants on buying expensive protein and how he could use protein sponsors. The Kajol and Kunal saga continues, Cyrus' failure in setting up the dinner between Kunal and Kajol, the passing of legendary singer KK (Krishnakumar Kunnath) after performing at a concert in Kolkata, the importance of looking after one's health, and more. They also talk about the guy from Bangalore who applied for divorce because his wife could not cook any food other than Maggi, the fascinating fact that if you Google with your birthdate or any other date combined with 'Florida man', Google gives you what happened back in the years, the UP bride who refused to marry the groom because he did not hire a wedding photographer and Canada's PM announcing bill to 'freeze' handgun ownership. Tune in for this and much more.Check out Cyrus Says merch: can follow Amit Dos