Kettlebrook West Bend

Lamentations 5



Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. What situations/conflicts/requests in your life are currently “unresolved”? What is like for you to have something “unresolved” in your life? 2. Re-read Lamentations chapter 5. The poet experiences personal, communal and national disgrace. Can you give an example of each of these from your own experience? 3. Of the above disgraces that you shared, which do you think are the result of your own sins, the sins of others, the brokenness of the world in general, or some combination? 4. In Lamentations 5:16, the poets writes, “Woe to us, for we have sinned!” In what ways is this true in your life? 5. In Lamentations 5:17, the poet’s heart fails and his eyes have grown dim. Is there a circumstance in your life that is causing your heart to fail and eyes to grow dim? Why is this the case? 6. In what ways can Jesus bring resolution to the unresolved in your life? What steps can you take to engage Him in this?