Esade Business & Law School

The Biden administration and climate change. A new hope?



Read the podcast transcript on Do Better by Esade ----------------------------- By leaving the Paris agreement, the Trump administration dealt a huge blow to multilateral cooperation in the fight against climate change. Other actors took the lead, but our collective efforts are still falling well short. For all the pain it has brought, 2020 may have actually helped to reverse this trend: the Covid-19 pandemic has made us more aware of our inextricable dependence on our environment, and President-elect Joe Biden promised to get the US back into the Paris agreement as soon as he takes office. This commitment brings new hope, but how feasible is it to reduce emissions fast enough to avoid the worst consequences of climate change? Óscar Fernández and Marie Vandendriessche, senior researchers at EsadeGeo, discuss the most recent developments in climate change policy and diplomacy, and the opportunity Covid-19 relief funds offer to kick-start a “green recovery”.