Lois & Clark'd: The New Podcasts Of Superman

Remembering Kevin Conroy (with Zach Moore, Lance Laster, and Kevonte Chilous)



Dear Kevin, Thank you for being my first hero. Thank you for reading me my first comic. Thank you for making sure Batman sounded “right” my entire childhood. Thank you for a Batman who sings. Thank you for putting up with that dumb exosuit in Crisis. Thank you for being prolific as hell. There are still hours of your performance I haven’t heard yet! Thank you for understanding your fans. Thank you for knowing just where you wanted to sign my Batman statue. Thank you for always, ALWAYS saying the thing. Thank you for being honest about your struggles. Thank you for being brave enough to come out. Thank you for being with me every time I read a comic. We have so many adventures left… With love always, Matt @alwaysmallville @donotfailourpod @alwaystarwars