Relationships 2.0 With Dr. Michelle Skeen

Guest: Ilona Ciunaite author of Liberation Unleashed: A Guide to Breaking Free from the Illusion of a Separate Self



This week on Relationships 2.0 my guest is Ilona Ciunaite author of Liberation Unleashed: A Guide to Breaking Free from the Illusion of a Separate Self About the book: Liberation Unleashed introduces you to the process of unraveling the false sense of a separate self at the center of your existence. With insightful metaphors, personal stories, and guided dialogues, this book points directly to our lack of separation and helps you move toward a new, more open reality of selfless bliss. Using the seven clear and focused steps presented, you’ll find liberation in realizing there is no individuated “I” and marvel at the true nature of things. Author Ilona Ciunaite’s search for the truth began when she first “experienced silence of the thinking mind, a sweet sense of being, contentment, peace,” and “feeling at home.” Driven by a desire to reach that state of oneness once more, her path led her through spiritual writings to the process of deconstruction and non-dual self-inquiry and finally to a peaceful empti