Sushi Jackknife

EP 53 Calling Sweden



This Week: The guys call Sweden and, surprisingly, have a very honest conversation with a stoned Kenyan. Nathan was made for radio. Selling the Dakotas. What sports teams are worth more than states. The Ballad of Jumpin' Jack Murphy. Hating on the Blahcoreians. Pre-braces. The Relative Suicide Rates of Dentists Vs. Orthodontists. Justin has too much flesh between his teeth. Nathan learns to read lumps. Overalls Porn. Jack Hanna the Barbarian. After Lincoln was shot, the show went on. CSPAN covers every Trump diplomatic moment. Fiction is a step up from Fox News. George W. takes up painting. The Adventures of Lama and Bosco (TN Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander). Nathan gets possessed by Elvis. And more!