Sushi Jackknife

EP 60 Accidental Bossa Nova



This Week: Who's the boozeiest scientist? Efficient Booze Consumption (or EBC). All sorts of clinky bitches. Deeboroni makes another guest appearance. As well as Diane, Di, Deebert and all the other ladies living inside her mind. Bitch pie. Nathan is too tired for Justin's nonsense. Up close Olympics. "The Girl from Ipanema" makes Nathan angry... again. Charlie Rose in heels. Justin fails to understand 'How I Met Your Mother'. Nathan and Deebert attempt to explain (crazy spoilers!). Enhanced Shelty Soldiers. Justin loves Jeof so... so much, but gets angry from reading zesty Hulk comics. Nathan doubts a Hulk penis. Trader Joe's makes Justin both joyous and existentially upset. Danny Glover gets some unnecessary abuse. 'Rescue Me' sets aflame. Dane Cook is a swear word. Donald Trump blows the Dalai Lama.  And more!