Sushi Jackknife

EP 61 McAfee’s Moloids



This Week: Horse Specific Ships. Justin's brain loves nonsense. Legitimate thoughts. Sean Connery, The Pig. Chicken Dirigibles. Nathan knows a little French... mostly boys. Ms. Maloof censors 9/11 or, as she would prefer, "Nueve Once". The boys butcher Spanish. Workplace microwaves receive a hacky level of attention. Amber, the Podcast Dog, needs to calm the fuck down. The enumerated echelons of break rooms. People from the Fifties can't decide what to order at Starbucks. By the way, Starbucks now offers "Hand Filtration". Deebert can't tell white dudes apart... it's all good we deserve it. RVG rests in one peace. Nathan's body will be shot to the moon. How deep is your grave? Ladies do your best to get buried next to a hot corpse. Magical Michael can't dance... And Justin knows male dancing. The Mcconaugheanse ends! Bruce Springsteen is legitimately amaze-balls. Taupe pisses Justin th --- Support this podcast: