
Episode 160 – Why Finding the Right Opportunity Fit is More Important than Location



Welcome back to another episode of the Cameron-Brooks Podcast. In Episode 157, I talked about the similarities of financial investing and managing your career for future opportunities— which ties right into why finding the right opportunity fit is more important than location. After I recorded that podcast, I wanted to find an alum who modeled this.  Coincidently, I spoke with C-B Alumnus Chris Parks that day.  Chris called asking me for advice.  He just had an incredible offer to leave his current company and be a Director of Sales at another company.  Chris had only been out of the military for 5 years, so this was very fast to be considered for a Director level position. During my conversation with Chris, I asked him how he earned such an opportunity so quickly.  He credited it to two decisions he made in the transition.  I asked if he would share those decisions on our podcast. Decision 1 Chris agrees: The right opportunity is more important than location, so he prioritized opportunity.  Chris accepted a