"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

The Desire Factor with Christy Whitman



Super stoked to speak with #1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author, and highly sought-after Life Coach - - - CHRISTY WHITMAN - -- this Friday on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald! Christy's book has helped MILLIONS of readers WORLDWIDE in shifting their MINDSET from "CAN'T" to "CAN!" A NOT-TO-BE-MISSED SHOW on my C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network Host Page! Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author and transformational leader. She has appeared on The Today Show, The Morning Show, TedX, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in numerous publications and magazines. Christy teaches the Law of Attraction, energy mastery, and personal development classes, meditations, and private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with the Divine Design of well-being, abundance, and success. She currently lives in sunny Arizona with her husband and two boys. Meet her at www.christywhitman.com. Uplifting you to fear less and to live more! #Grateful #Radio #Podcasts #CSuiteRadio #CSuiteNetwork #C