Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

World Knife Throwing League Commissioner Evan Walters



If you have ever felt like poking someone in the eye, then Evan Walters is the man to help you do it. (No not really)Evan Walters is the Commisioner of the "World Knife Throwing League (WKTL.)" Using specially made knives with blunt blades but sharp points this sport is in fact very user friendly for people of all ages.Question 1'Barb picked the building'Where would you go naked?Evan Chose the 'Binoculars'When do you always want to beat yourself?Question 2Barb liked the 'Toad'How do you contribute to a better society?Evan picked the 'Pastries'What do you do differently to other people?Question 3Barb wanted the 'Man in the Ushanka' (Russian Hat)How often do you talk to strangers?Evan was persuaded into choosing the 'Solar System'What have you invented?Question 4Barb chose 'The River Scene'Where or when would you go in a Time-machine?Evan picked the 'Paint Blobs'Which historical figure would you most like to meet?Question 5Barb wanted the 'Red and Green Peppers'What talent do you wish you had?Evan chose the 'L