Magamama With Kimberly Ann Johnson: Sex, Birth And Motherhood

EP3: Layla Centorrino, the Artemis Woman, on Chakras and Energetics of Childbirth and Postpartum



Magamama interviews Layla Centorrino-- a teacher and practitioner for over thirty years including work such as transformational bodywork, counselor, yoga, colon hydrotherapy, shamanism, energy medicine, and psychic clairvoyance.  She is the owner of The Artemis Woman. She is the creator of Conscious Coupling and Uncoupling process, creator and doula of conscious baby-making. Layla Centorrino is a seasoned wise-woman guide who tracks and accesses information and understanding, helps open blocked channels, heals unseen wounds, and clears or leverages epigenetic and ancestral influences.  As an Artemis Woman, she honors and embraces the deeper mysteries and cycles as a natural part of her intuitive brilliance, wisdom and connection.  Her work illuminates and empowers you to navigate life’s transformational transitions with ease. It cultivates lasting alignment with your internal rhythm, compass and divine callings so you can live life on your terms.  In her decades of personal training, cultivation, private prac