Ari In The Air

John Vervaeke - Movement, Grief & Flow



Dr. John Vervaeke is a professor of Cognitive Science at the University of Toronto and has been the prophet of 'the meaning crisis'. Vervaeke lays out the meaning crisis as a pervasive feeling of alienation from the world and from each other. Suicide rates and loneliness, depression and anxiety run rampant. Video games and social media fan the flames of these problems. Vervaeke has studied these problems in depth, and proposes ecologies of practices as their remedies. In this talk, I get John's take on the connection between movement and cognition/perspective. We talk about grief and how our movement practices quite literally 'move' us through our grief. We talk about flow state and the effect that physical danger has on our ability to learn, adapt and perform. It is an amazing and insightful conversation, and it is the first in the series of collab podcasts with Neurohacker Collective, the makers of Qualia - a suite of cognitive and wellness enhancing supplements. I take their Mind supplement religiously